In the triangle ABC, angle c equals 90 degrees. If angle a equals 45 degrees and C equals 2, find a and B

In the triangle ABC, angle c equals 90 degrees. If angle a equals 45 degrees and C equals 2, find a and B

a=b=√2a²+b²=2²2a²=4  a²=2  a=√2、b=√2

Let the opposite sides of the internal angle A.B.C of the triangle ABC be a.b.c. if the three sides b.a.c form an arithmetic sequence, 3sina = 5sinb, then the angle c is equal to?

sinA:sinB=5 :3
Then a: B = 5:3, then a: B: C = 3:4:5

Anhui 2013 college entrance examination penultimate condition B + C = 2A 3sina = 5sinc angle c good life safety!
3sina = 5sinb is wrong=

3sina = 5sinb: 3A = 5b, B = 3A / 5, C = 7a / 5, cosine theorem cos C = - 1 / 2, C = 2pi / 3

In the acute triangle ABC, we prove that tgatgb > 1

In acute triangle ABC
So tanatanb = [(Tana + tanb) / Tanc] + 1 > 1

The minimum value of the acute triangle ABC, atan, btanc is known

In triangles, tanatanbtanc = Tana + tanb + Tanc, and f (x) = TaNx is convex on (0, π / 2), so Tana + tanb + Tanc > 3tan ((a + B + C) / 3) = triple root 3
The equal sign holds if and only if a = b = C = π / 3, so the minimum value is 3 times the root sign 3

The acute triangle ABC proves that the multiplication of tanatanbtanc is greater than 1

Triangle ABC tanatanbtanc = Tana + tanb + Tanc
The proof is as follows
So Tana * (tanbtanc-1) = tanb + Tanc
tanA*tanB*tanC - tanA=tanB+tanC
So tanatanbtanc = Tana + tanb + Tanc
To prove tanatanbtanc > 1, just prove Tana + tanb + Tanc > 1
Because ABC is an acute triangle, a, B and C are all greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees,
So Tana > 0, tanb > 0, Tanc > 0
Another reason is that at least one angle of a triangle is greater than or equal to 60 degrees,
So Tana > root 3, tanb > 0, Tanc > 0
So Tana + tanb + Tanc > radical 3 > 1
So tan atanbtan C > 1

If an internal angle of an isosceles triangle is 60 degrees and the side length is 18 cm, then the perimeter of the isosceles triangle is 60 degrees_____ cm


If the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 18cm and one side is 4cm, what are the lengths of the other two sides?

an isosceles triangle
1. If one side is 4 and the other side is 4, then the third side is 10. According to the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side, 4 + 44,7 + 4 > 7,7-4 can be used

In order to know the triangle ABC, ab = AC, the middle line of a waist divides the circumference of the triangle into two parts of 21cm and 12cm, and calculates the waist length

Let waist length = 2x
The perimeter of the two parts is 3x, x + bottom edge
If x = 7, the waist length is 14 and the bottom edge length is 5
If x = 4, the waist length is 8 and the bottom length is 17, because 8 + 8

In the inscribed quadrilateral ABCD, if AB = BC = CD, AC is diagonal and ∠ ACD = 30 °, then ∠ CAD=

Because AB = BC = CD, so angle CAD = BAC = ACB
Because of the arc of the pair, the diagonal complementation of the quadrilateral, the angle DAB + DCB = 180 degrees
Because CAD is 30 degrees, CAD = (180-30) divided by 3 = 50