The gift of parting &"Gift" in "gift" refers to: (1)___________ ;(2)____________ . &In the penultimate verse, Peter said, "one blanket is enough to send an old man away..." Let's talk about "enough" in context. What kind of feelings does Peter have here? &It's very painful to leave your family. Why does grandfather still play a happy song at this time? &We can feel what kind of child Peter is from the text &This article is very moving. Point out the most moving part and give the reasons

The gift of parting &"Gift" in "gift" refers to: (1)___________ ;(2)____________ . &In the penultimate verse, Peter said, "one blanket is enough to send an old man away..." Let's talk about "enough" in context. What kind of feelings does Peter have here? &It's very painful to leave your family. Why does grandfather still play a happy song at this time? &We can feel what kind of child Peter is from the text &This article is very moving. Point out the most moving part and give the reasons

(1) Blanket (2) Peter's love for his grandfather and his sarcasm for his stepmother. At the same time, in order to protect his father, so that he would not get angry again. In order to ease the atmosphere, so that everyone would not be sad. In order to leave a good memory for everyone, don't worry about him in the future. Peter is a kind-hearted, respectful and understanding child. The LORD looked at his son and murmured, "it doesn't matter, child, I know you don't think so I know... " Father's tolerance and understanding of his son, father's love like a mountain, touching and sentimental;

On the platform of a railway station or subway station, a safety line is marked about 1m away from the edge of the platform. People must stand outside the safety line to wait for the train. Please analyze why it is very dangerous for people to stand within the safety line even if they keep a certain distance from the train when the train passes by?

A: when the train passes, it will speed up the air velocity, which will reduce the pressure in front of the body, while the air velocity behind is slow and strong. If a person stands within the safety line, even if he keeps a certain distance from the car, he will be easily pushed into the railway lane by the pressure behind him, so it is very dangerous

Party A and Party B depart from each other on the platform and go in the opposite direction along the platform. At this time, a train comes to party a head-on at a constant speed, and it takes 15s for the train to pass by Party A
Then he drove by B, and it took 17s. It is known that the walking speed of both of them is 3.6km/h. How long is the train?
I want to analyze the process of problem solving

Conversion unit: man speed: 3.6 / 3600 * 1000 = 1m / S
Let the speed of the train be X
The solution is x = 16
So s = (16 + 1) × 15 = 255 (m)
A: this train is 255 meters long

A 600 word composition entitled "the sky outside the classroom" has deep meaning

The theme can be sitting in the classroom, listening to the teacher's boring lectures, hoping to be like a swallow in the blue sky