The function of the beginning, the end and the title of the narrative in Chinese Reading

The function of the beginning, the end and the title of the narrative in Chinese Reading

The function of ending: 1. Echo the beginning and ending. The ending should echo the beginning, and write sentences that echo the beginning, but not simply repeat. This ending method is a very common way to end all kinds of articles

How to answer the meaning of the narrative title

In the 09 college entrance examination, Ren Linju's Yuehua (National Volume 2), Chuyan's Laowu (Tianjin volume) and Yang Zhensheng's study window (Hubei volume) not only point out the object of writing, but also the title has the same role as the clue of the article, and also plays an important role in the structural thinking
The window of the study
① Today, I think of the window of my study again. Speaking of the window, it was invented after human beings lived in caves. It gives you the breeze and the moon, it gives you the sunny day and the blue sky, it gives you the mountain light and the water color, it gives you a quiet sitting in front of the window, enjoying everything in the universe. In a word, it opens up the natural boundary with you
② Although the function of the window is the same everywhere, the direction of the window has different hobbies. I only like the North window. It's all about the light
③…… Especially in the morning of new snow, when you wake up, you don't know the snow that fell all night last night. It's different from usual when you just look at the empty white through the paper window And then calmly opened the curtain to see, eyes bright and clean, the branches in front of the court are hanging to the corner of the ground
⑥ In this way, I fell in love with the North window. The light intensity of the south window, needless to say, is not as strong as that of the east window and the west window. The light put in by the North window is so light and faint, reflecting but not direct. When it comes to reflection, of course, it's outside the window. I can't imagine the reflection of the Ming Lake or the Castle Peak outside the window. It's too extravagant, If possible, there are some green spots on the ancient wall. The wall should not be too close to the window. If it is too close, it will narrow the heart. If it is too far, it will not become a window screen. If it is too far, it will be good to go to the window about one foot or five feet. In this way, the brilliance of the ancient wall will be reflected on the table under the window, moist and pale, This kind of light will never invade your quietness or disturb your thoughts
What is the role of windows in the structure of the text
(2) the author begins with the function of the window, then mainly describes the reason why "I" like the North window, and finally describes the imagination of the North Window concretely and vividly
In order to understand the role of an object in the structure of an article, we can first look at the title, the beginning and the end of the article, and then look at the main idea of each paragraph of the article. This paper takes "the window of the study" as the title, and naturally unfolds close to the window. The window is not only the scope of the author's vision, but also the starting point of his own thinking and feeling. The main content of the article's description and thinking is related to "the window", "Window" (North window in the text) is "clue". At the same time, structurally, the author sticks to this clue and unfolds the content of the writing in an orderly and clear way
(2) Learning for application
Every spring, the Chinese cabbage stored in winter last year is nearly dry. When cooking, we often use only some tender leaves on the top, and a large part of the root is placed there. Once the Tomb Sweeping Day is over, some vegetable heads will swell up, as the saying goes
Slowly peel off the side of the vegetable, and there is a bright yellow cauliflower connected to the root of the vegetable. The top is covered with stamens like a pile of small grains of rice. Flattening the root, putting it in a water basin, and placing it on the desk is a kind of spring scene in my study. Cauliflower is beautiful, natural, elegant and pure. It has no fragrance, so it has no peculiar smell. Its color is monotonous, So there is no mottle. Usually, it is this kind of yellow. But all over the world, except cauliflower, this kind of yellow can never be seen again
Last winter, my little grandson brought me a radish, which is called Lantern red in my hometown. Bright red is lovely. Originally, I wanted to carve it into a flower basket, sprinkle wheat seeds and store water upside down, just like I used to do when I was a child. Also, because of the troubles, I buried it in a flowerpot. When spring began, it was outstanding, This is also a kind of cauliflower. Its flowers, white with a little purple, give people a cool feeling. Its roots are all in, nutrition is not lack, suitable for the hospital. Just when the flowers are in full bloom, they are caught by the children of the next door. The charm of the flowers, people's appreciation, almost completely lost
It's windy this spring. It's dark for several days before and after the Qingming Festival. The light in the kitchen is especially bad. One day, when it's sunny, I found a cabbage plant under the table where vegetables are stacked. It doesn't grow from the cabbage heart, but from the lateral root, like a new upright branch from an old wood. Some buds have opened, Dazzling bright. I was so happy that I repaired the vegetable root and put it in the water bowl
I have another cauliflower on my desk. It's a gift from heaven
There is a ballad in my hometown: ten li cauliflower is fragrant. In my childhood, the cauliflower I saw was not one or two plants, nor one mu or two mu. It was boundless. The spring sun was shining, the spring wind was blowing, the bee colony was roaring, and it was golden. It was not cauliflower, it was rape. The color was the same as white cauliflower
In the spring of 1946, I came back to my hometown from Yan'an. After eight years of Anti Japanese War, my father was very old. Of course, he was very happy to see me back, but he seldom talked with me. One day, when he came back from the field, he suddenly said a right couplet to me: lilac, 100, 1000, 10000. He said that, and didn't ask me to go. Yes, he just laughed. My father had been in business all his life, He retired at home in his old age. During the war, he took care of his family. He took care of the property he earned all his life. He didn't want to waste it at all. That day, when he saw the rape growing well in the field, he told me the couplet. I didn't think about it. I was not interested in the couplet, how to do it, and I just listened to it without saying anything, Talk to him a little more
Before the rape seeds, my father died of illness because of the cold after work. On his deathbed, he told me to sell an idle house to my uncle's house to handle the funeral
Now, I am old, living in the city for a long time, and my hometown is like a dream. Facing a cauliflower, I suddenly think of a lot of past events. The past is like the color and taste of cauliflower. It is far away, empty and unpredictable, which can only cause melancholy
People's life is undoubtedly a big topic. There are many people who try their best to write it into a magnificent article. I can only write it into a small article, a prose like cauliflower on the desk. Cauliflower is also life, and any life can become the topic of an article
Written under the light on May 2, 1988
[test questions]
Read the following essay and answer questions 1-2
1. The author has written three kinds of cauliflower. Please summarize their characteristics with several four character phrases
2. This article takes "cauliflower" as the topic, but writes about my father. What is the connection between the two?
[reference answer]
1. Cauliflower: graceful, natural, elegant, tasteless, monotonous and bright
Radish cauliflower: white with purple, cool alone
Rape flower: ten li flower fragrance, bee colony roar, a golden yellow
2. One is that his father's rape field is full of cauliflower. When his father died before the rape seeds, he naturally associated with his father. The other is that his father, like cauliflower, is an ordinary person who does ordinary things, but also has his own flowers, which is worthy of respect
One of the common types of questions in narrative reading is to analyze the role of the title of the article. Often in the form of "why do you use such a title?" "what's the advantage of such a title?" "can you replace a title?" students are often confused about where to start with such a title. In fact, such a type of question has rules to follow, and the title has only such several functions, There are usually two or three combinations of actions
1. The function of rhetorical devices or writing techniques used in the title, such as symbol, metaphor, pun, etc
Example: the Nanjing senior high school entrance examination question "how many flowers of the rose" uses the symbolic technique, and uses "the rose" to symbolize the quality of the old man's indifference
Don't let a grain of sand become your obstacle. The title uses metaphor to compare small difficulties to a grain of sand
The title of "the door" uses pun technique, which refers to not only the "door" in life, but also the "heart door" of children
2. Explain the content of the article
For example, the title of Lu Xun's a trifle tells the content of the article - a trifle
3. Explain the writing object of the article
For example, the title of Hu Shi's my mother tells me my mother
4. Explain the writing order
For example, the title of Lu Xun's from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore explains the order of writing space
5. Explain the theme and emotion of the article
For example: Nie Huaqin's "Dear Mom and Dad", the title explains the feelings expressed in the article - love for mom and dad
6. Set suspense to stimulate readers' interest in reading
For example: Wei Menghua's mystery of lemmings set suspense to stimulate readers' interest in reading
7. It is the clue of the article
Example: Lin Haiyin's "Dad's flowers are falling" takes flowers blooming and falling as clues