Troposphere is closely related to human beings. Most airplanes fly in stratosphere. Why? The movement of air in stratosphere is mainly () movement

Troposphere is closely related to human beings. Most airplanes fly in stratosphere. Why? The movement of air in stratosphere is mainly () movement

As a matter of fact, most airplanes fly in the stratosphere now. Below this layer is the flow layer, and the air activity is intense. The upper layer is the middle layer (also known as the upper flow layer). The air activity is also very intense. Only the turbulence in the stratosphere is small, which is suitable for the smooth running of airplanes and ensures safety
In addition, the upper atmosphere of the middle layer is stable, but the air is thin, the oxygen supply for personnel is insufficient, and the risk of exposure to electromagnetic radiation should also be considered
The higher the altitude, the thinner the air. When the flight speed and attitude are fixed, the higher the altitude, the smaller the pressure. The maximum thrust of the aircraft is limited. Therefore, the flight altitude of the aircraft can not be increased indefinitely

The fundamental cause of atmospheric motion is a seasonal variation of solar radiation B uneven solar radiation energy at different latitudes C pressure difference between high and low latitudes
The fundamental cause of atmospheric motion is
A seasonal variation of solar radiation
B. the solar radiation energy obtained at different latitudes is uneven
C pressure difference between high latitude and low latitude
D global pressure belt wind belt movement

B. the solar radiation energy obtained at different latitudes is uneven

What is the fundamental reason for the formation of thermal circulation? What is the form of atmospheric motion? What is the direct cause of atmospheric horizontal motion

The fundamental reason of thermal circulation is the difference of temperature in each air gradient! It is the direct form of atmospheric motion! Horizontal atmospheric motion is also caused by the difference of air pressure on both sides due to the difference of temperature in the horizontal plane!