What is Newmark's translation theory

What is Newmark's translation theory

Peter Newmark is a famous British translation theorist and educator. Based on the analysis and summary of the translation thoughts of various schools, Newmark applies stylistics, discourse analysis, semiotics, case grammar, functional grammar and intercultural communication theory to translation theory and research, The core of Newmark's translation theory is semantic translation and communicative translation, which is also the most important and distinctive part of his translation theory, In 1981, a textbook of translation (1988), about translation (1991) and essays on translation (1993), Newmark proposed, According to different text types, we should adopt different translation methods -- semantic translation or communicative translation, He divides text into expressive function, informative function, vocative function, aesthetic function, phatic function and metalingual function, This indicates that his translation theory is becoming more and more systematic. This paper will make a preliminary interpretation of Newmark's main translation theories in order to make a deeper understanding of Newmark's translation theory and apply the relevant translation standards to English Chinese and Chinese English translation
1、 Language function and text type
Newmark believes that translation is the translation of text, and the study of translation can not be separated from text. Based on the language theory of Buhler and Jakobson's functional model, Newmark puts forward a set of text functions and their classification according to different contents and styles
(1) Expressive function
The core of the function of expression is the speaker and the author. The core of the function of language expression is that the speaker or the author uses these words to express his ideas without considering the reader's reaction. Newmark believes that from the perspective of the purpose of translation, the typical expressive texts are: 1. Serious literary works, including lyrics, short stories, novels, dramas, etc.; 2. Authoritative speech, There are mainly political speeches and documents of political figures, laws and regulations documents, scientific, philosophical and academic works written by recognized authoritative figures. The authority of these texts comes from the status or reliability of their authors and their language ability. Although most of these texts have no implied meaning, they often bear the "imprint" of their personal characteristics; 3. Autobiography, prose and personal letters. When these texts are a kind of catharsis of the author's personal feelings, when the reader's background is fuzzy, they are expressive texts
When translating expressive texts, we should follow the principle of "author first". With the original author as the core, we should be faithful not only to the original author's ideas but also to the original author's language style. In the translation of such texts, translators are not allowed to modify and modify the original text, and they must take words, phrases and clauses as the basic translation units as far as possible
(2) Information function
The core of the language information function is the external context, the facts of the topic or the factors outside the language. The typical informative text involves encyclopedic knowledge, and its form is often very standardized, such as textbooks, technical reports, newspaper or magazine articles, academic papers, memos or conference minutes, Therefore, when translating informative texts, the principle of "authenticity first" should be followed. In terms of language application, the translator can not take the original as the standard, but take the reader's language level as the standard, and strive to be smooth and easy to understand. When necessary, he can revise the original text. Compared with expressive texts, the translator has more freedom, For example, when the original expression is vague, confused or inaccurate, the translator has the responsibility to modify it so as to be responsible to the target language readers. In view of this, when translating foreign communication materials based on informative texts, the translator can not be bound by the original structure, disrupt the narrative order of the original, and enrich the original information in a free way, Because a lot of information can be further arranged through translation, sometimes the text translated by the translator is better than the original
(3) Vocative function
The target of the calling text is the reader or the person who is called. It is intended to call on the readers to act, think, feel or respond according to the author's intention. It should be noted that the audience of the calling text is not an individual, but a group of readers. The calling text includes instructions, publicity materials, applications, case materials, popular reading materials (Texts with teaching and entertainment), etc, For example, the translation of Chinese dish names is a profound knowledge. There is a dish called "donkey rolls" (steamed rice wrapped with sweet bean flour), which is translated into English as "glutinous rice rolls with sweet bean flour"
(4) Aesthetic function
In addition, the rhythm, balance and contrast of sentences, clauses and words also play a role. The aesthetic function exists in most types of literature, and is indispensable for poetry, nonsense poetry, nursery rhymes and some advertising
(5) Phatic function
Social language is used to keep friendly contact with the audience rather than to convey information. Some social words vary from culture to culture and should be translated with standard equivalents
(6) Metalingual function
Metalinguistic function is to use a language to explain, mark and criticize its own characteristics
Among the six types of texts, the first three are the main ones. These text types can't be completely separated. Few texts are purely expressive, informative or vocative. They usually have three functions at the same time, but only focus on them. Most informative texts or vocative texts have vocative color from the beginning to the end, As for the lyric text, it usually contains information, and its calling component can be more or less. Critics and translators often have different opinions on this. Newmark also pointed out that when translating lyric text, especially poetry, the lyric text has different characteristics, There are often conflicts between expressive function and aesthetic function
2、 Semantic translation and communicative translation
Newmark believes that different translation methods and standards should be adopted for different texts. Therefore, in his book exploration of translation problems, he puts forward two important concepts of "semantic translation" and "communicative translation". From the perspective of text, expressive texts usually focus on semantic translation, while information and call texts mainly use communicative translation
(1) The background of semantic translation and communicative translation
Newmark's semantic translation and communicative translation are put forward against the background of the long-standing dispute between literal translation and free translation. He believes that since the first century AD, both sides who are addicted to the dispute between literal translation and free translation have neglected translation, and that the purpose of translation, the characteristics of readers and the type of text should also be considered, Both sides of the debate are too idealistic. Newmark admits that the contradiction between faithfulness to the original text and faithfulness to the target text is an eternal theme in translation theory and practice, but he thinks that this contradiction can be reconciled
SL emphasis TL emphasis
Word for word translation adaptation
Literal translation Free translation
Faithful translation Idiomatic translation
Semantic translation Communicative translation
As can be seen from the figure above, the gap between "word for word translation" and "adaptation" is the largest, followed by "literal translation" and "free translation", followed by "faithful translation" and "authentic translation", However, semantic translation has the advantages of word for word translation, literal translation and faithful translation, while communicative translation has the advantages of domestication, free translation and authentic translation, It should be said that it is the most ideal translation method
(2) The difference between semantic translation and communicative translation
1. Theoretically, there is a big difference between the two
Newmark's semantic translation means that "the translator only attempts to reproduce the exact contextual meaning of the original author within the limitations of the target syntax and semantics". Therefore, semantic translation tends to copy the original form as far as possible within the scope of the target language. Semantic translation regards the words and sentences of the original as sacred and inviolable, Newmark said: "the purpose of communicative translation is to reproduce the same effect that the original readers feel in the target language as much as possible."
The difference between the two is obvious: semantic translation is more objective, which strives to retain the cultural, lexical and syntactic characteristics of the original text and be faithful to the author of the original text; while communicative translation is more subjective, which focuses on the readability of the target text, pays attention to the response of the target readers and accurately transmits the communicative information of the original text to the readers, After all, the original text is the only source of translation
2. There are also differences in the form of expression
If the original language deviates from the stylistic norms of the source language, the translation should also be reflected. When the content of information conflicts with the effect, semantic translation pays more attention to content than effect, while communicative translation pays more attention to effect than content, At the same time, semantic translation takes smaller words, phrases or clauses as the translation unit, while communicative translation takes paragraphs as the translation unit
(3) Similarities between semantic translation and communicative translation
Semantic translation and communicative translation are not absolute. They can be used interchangeably. If the information of the original text is universal and without cultural characteristics, the importance of the information content is as important as the way and means of expressing the information, and the knowledge level and interest of the target readers are equal to that of the original readers, semantic translation and communicative translation can be used at the same time, It should be said that this is the most "ideal" translation, because it can take care of both the original author and the target author. For example, the translation of important religious, philosophical, artistic and scientific literature, semantic translation or communicative translation will produce similar effects
This kind of situation often appears in Translation: in the same work, some parts must adopt semantic translation, some parts must adopt communicative translation, the two complement each other. Therefore, there is no absolute semantic translation or absolute communicative translation
3、 Relevance translation method
Relevance translation means that the more important the language of the original or target text is, the more closely it should be translated