Marx and historical materialism Here are two multiple topics, Marx's theory of surplus value Options: a. It is the cornerstone of Marx's economic theory b. It is the basis of labor value theory c. Reveal the real source and essence of surplus value d. Revealing the essence of capitalist production Human liberation as understood by historical materialism Options: a. Get rid of the enslavement of nature b. Get rid of inevitability completely c. Get rid of the shackles of old social relations d. Get rid of the shackles of traditional old ideas

Marx and historical materialism Here are two multiple topics, Marx's theory of surplus value Options: a. It is the cornerstone of Marx's economic theory b. It is the basis of labor value theory c. Reveal the real source and essence of surplus value d. Revealing the essence of capitalist production Human liberation as understood by historical materialism Options: a. Get rid of the enslavement of nature b. Get rid of inevitability completely c. Get rid of the shackles of old social relations d. Get rid of the shackles of traditional old ideas

Choose all the first questions and CD the second
Marx's two contributions: historical materialism and surplus value theory, which provide theoretical basis for the proletarian liberation movement

The establishment and significance of Marxist historical materialism

There is a generally accepted view in the theoretical circle of our country, that is, Marx made a classic expression of historical materialism for the first time in the preface of his book critique of political economy in January 1859. In fact, this view is not accurate. The author thinks that as early as 1845-1846, Marx and Engels co authored the German ideology, There is a classic expression of historical materialism. This expression occupies an extremely important position in the treasure house of Marxist theory and plays a very important role in the establishment of the theoretical system of historical materialism and the provisions of its basic principles
As is known to all, "German Ideology" (hereinafter referred to as "form") is a great work that Marx and Engels created the theoretical system of historical materialism. In this great work, Marx and Engels deeply analyzed and criticized various idealistic historical ideas represented by Feuerbach, Powell and Steiner, and on this basis, Marx and Engels deeply analyzed and criticized various idealistic historical ideas, This paper expounds the basic content of historical materialism. This great work marks the founding of historical materialism. As the symbol of the founding of historical materialism, the first chapter of the first volume "criticism of modern German philosophy represented by Feuerbach, Powell and Steiner" is "the opposition between Feuerbach's materialism and idealism", In the history of Marxist philosophy, the concept of historical materialism is the first time
For the convenience of analysis and research, the following is a copy of nearly 1000 words of historical materialism in morphology
"This view of history lies in the fact that, starting from the material production of direct life, we should examine the actual production process, and understand the forms of communication associated with the mode of production, that is, the civil society at different stages, as the basis of the whole history; then we must describe the activities of the civil society within the scope of national life, At the same time, from the perspective of civil society, it clarifies various theoretical products and ideologies, such as religion, philosophy, morality and so on, and traces the process of their emergence on this basis. Of course, it can completely describe the whole process (and thus the interaction between different aspects of the process). This view of history is different from idealist view of history, It does not seek for a certain category in every era, but always stands on the basis of realistic history. It does not explain practice from the point of view of ideas, but explains things of ideas from the point of view of material practice. It can also draw the following conclusion: all forms and products of consciousness can not be eliminated by spiritual criticism, They can not be eliminated by melting them into "self-consciousness" or turning them into "ghosts", "strange shadows", "strange ideas" and so on. Only by actually overthrowing the realistic social relations generated by all these idealistic fallacies can they be eliminated. The driving force of history, religion, philosophy and any other theory is revolution, This view shows that history does not melt into "self-consciousness" as a spirit derived from spirit. At each stage of history, there are certain material results and a certain amount of total productive forces. The relationship between man and nature and between man and nature in history has encountered a large amount of productive forces, funds and environment handed down from the previous generation to the later generation, On the one hand, these productive forces, capital and environment have been changed by the new generation, but on the other hand, they also predetermine the living conditions of the new generation, making it develop to a certain extent and have a special nature, The sum of productive forces, funds and forms of social interaction that each individual and each generation bear as ready-made things is the realistic basis of what philosophers imagine as "entity" and "human nature", and the realistic basis of what they deify and struggle with, Although this foundation was resisted by philosophers who appeared as "self-consciousness" and "one and only", However, its role and influence on people's development have not been weakened at all. The living conditions faced by all generations also determine whether the periodic repeated revolutionary shocks in history are strong enough to destroy the basis of all existing things: if there are no material factors for carrying out comprehensive changes, that is to say, if there are no material factors for carrying out comprehensive changes, the social and economic development of the people will be greatly affected, On the one hand, there is no certain productive force; on the other hand, there is no revolutionary masses who not only revolt against certain individual aspects of the old society, but also against the old "life and production" itself and against the "total activities" on which the old society is based. Then, as the history of communism has proved, although the idea of such change has been expressed thousands of times, But this is of no significance to the actual development
It is not difficult for us to understand from the expressions quoted above. Although some words in this passage borrow the popular German philosophical terms at that time, the basic content of historical materialism is very clear, Marx and Engels put forward the basic categories of historical materialism, such as productivity, production relations (forms of communication), mode of production, economic foundation (Civil Society), social revolution and the masses, and systematically explained the basic principles of historical materialism by using these categories, We can get the basic principles of historical materialism
First, human material production is the starting point of the whole historical development. Human society is an extremely complex organism. Where is the starting point of its historical development? Materialist view of history and idealistic view of history are absolutely different. Idealistic view of history takes the categories and concepts produced from the mind as the starting point of historical development, Historical materialism regards human material production as the starting point of historical development. How to determine the starting point of historical development directly affects whether we can correctly understand the extremely complex human social organism, whether we can objectively reveal the law of human social development and the fundamental driving force to promote social development, The understanding of human society and the law of social development is fundamentally wrong. Historical materialism is a scientific view of history and a theoretical representation of the universal nature of social organism. The reason lies in the different understanding of the starting point of historical development, Marx and Engels paid special attention to the historical materialism, and first clearly pointed out that the investigation of social history should start from the material production of direct life
Second, the material relations formed by people in production are the basis of the whole social history, which determines the formation of the basic structure and basic contradictions of the whole society. The basic theory of Marxist historical materialism tells us that social phenomena are complex, and the relations formed by people in social interaction are diverse, and the forms of communication produced by people in production are different, The relations of production are the basis of all human social relations. They determine all social relations between people, the development of the whole social history, and the nature of different stages of historical development. Only by taking such a material and economic relationship as the basis of the whole history and as a historical view can we reproduce the universal nature of social organism, Only in this way can we reveal the contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations, economic base and superstructure, and grasp the objective law of the development of human society, The concept of "form of communication" and "civil society at different stages" is of equal significance, which not only illustrates the connection between the two basic categories of historical materialism, namely, relations of production and economic basis, but also reveals the principle of social basic structure and basic contradiction in historical materialism
Third, social existence determines social consciousness, and material practice is the driving force for the development of social history and the emergence and development of various forms of social consciousness. The basic problem of historical view is the relationship between social existence and social consciousness. How to answer this question is the only standard for dividing materialist historical view and idealist historical view, Marx and Engels answered the basic question of the view of history, that is, social existence determines social consciousness, by "expounding various theoretical products and forms of consciousness from the perspective of civil society, such as religion, philosophy, morality, etc., and tracing the process of their emergence on this basis", In explaining the principle that social existence determines social consciousness, Marx and Engels point out that material practice is the driving force for the development of social history and the emergence and development of various forms of social consciousness, In other words, as long as we examine any kind of idea in social practice, we can find out its origin and true features; wrong ideas and all fallacies of idealistic historical view have their social basis, and only through practice can we understand the truth, In this paper, Marx and Engels scientifically solved the dialectical relationship between social consciousness and social existence, explained the dependence of social consciousness on social existence, and the decisive role of social existence on social consciousness
Fourth, the mode of production of material materials determines the development and special nature of each stage of history. In the above statement, Ma and en clearly pointed out that human material production is the starting point of historical development, and production relations are the basis of the whole history. All these are related to the mode of production of material materials, The mode of production defines the living conditions at each stage of history, and determines its development and special nature. "Man creates environment, and environment also creates man." the environment here refers to "certain material results, a certain amount of total productivity, the relationship between man and nature, and between man and man in history.", The mode of production in a certain historical stage is passed on from the previous generation to the later generation. Of course, it is also changed by the new generation. However, it "also predetermines the living conditions of the new generation, so that it has a certain development and special nature." the mode of production is the basis of social survival and the source of development, Man, as the subject of social practice, can only play a role in a certain mode of production and have its own development. Marx and Engels clearly pointed out that the mode of production, as the realistic basis of "human nature", is never resisted by historical idealists, And the development of people's role and influence has been weakened
Fifthly, certain productive forces and the revolutionary masses who actively participated in the revolt against the old society are the material factors of social revolution. As historical materialism, in explaining the law of historical development, social revolution must be discussed