Philosophical analysis: from the perspective of Marxist philosophy and historical materialism, this paper analyzes the philosophical principles contained in China's life expectancy growth, and explains the great achievements of our party and government in improving people's livelihood It's an analysis. Answer more.

Philosophical analysis: from the perspective of Marxist philosophy and historical materialism, this paper analyzes the philosophical principles contained in China's life expectancy growth, and explains the great achievements of our party and government in improving people's livelihood It's an analysis. Answer more.

Historical materialism is the last unit of life and philosophy
It is nothing more than the dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness
Two basic contradictions of human society
The creator of history
The guiding role of values
The way to realize the value of life, etc

Using the knowledge of historical materialism mass view to analyze the philosophical basis of respecting public opinion

The masses are the creators of social history, creating social material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the decisive force of social change. They are required to adhere to the mass viewpoint and mass line, and always take the realization, maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the fundamental starting point of all work

Philosophy and life: dialectical materialism, materialist dialectics and historical materialism, what are the specific knowledge points?
Please answer carefully

Each part of Marxist philosophy involves three concepts: Dialectical Materialism: material, consciousness and law; dialectical Epistemology: practice, cognition and truth; materialist dialectics: view of connection, view of development and view of contradiction; historical materialism: view of history, view of the masses and view of values; core knowledge of life and Philosophy of Ideological and political discipline (1) dialectical materialism: material determines consciousness, We should proceed from reality and seek truth from facts. 2. Consciousness has a dynamic reaction to the transformation of the objective world. Correct consciousness promotes the development of things, and wrong consciousness hinders the development of things. We should establish correct ideology and overcome wrong ideology. 3. Consciousness activities are purposeful and planned, Human consciousness plays a guiding role in the transformation of the objective world. (that is, correct consciousness promotes the development of things, and wrong consciousness hinders the development of things;); consciousness regulates and controls the physiological activities of human body. (psychological and mental state) ④ laws are objective, and we should respect objective laws and seek truth from facts, People are not powerless in the face of the law. On the basis of understanding and grasping the law, people can use the law to transform the world according to the conditions and forms of the law, (2) the two general characteristics of Materialist Dialectics: the view of connection and the view of development & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; essence and core: the view of contradiction 1. The view of connection 1. The meaning of connection, (2) connection is universal and objective, so we should look at problems from the point of view of connection. (we can't separate the connection of things, and we can't create false connection subjectively); people can establish new specific connection (bridge, road, network, trade, etc.) according to the inherent connection of things; connection has conditionality and diversity, We should analyze the conditions (or actively create conditions) and grasp the relations between things. ③ the whole is in the leading position, commanding the parts, establishing the concept of the overall situation, basing on the whole, and coordinating the overall situation; the whole is composed of parts, and the parts affect the whole (the key parts play a decisive role in the change of the overall performance state), and we should do a good job in the parts, To promote the overall development. 4. The relationship between system and elements requires mastering the method of system optimization, overall consideration and optimal combination. (example: optimizing the economic structure) 2. The viewpoint of development: (1) things are changing and developing, so we should use the viewpoint of development to see problems, not the invariable eye. (2) the essence of development is advancing and rising, which is the emergence of new things and the extinction of old things, We should have the spirit of innovation and promote the growth of new things. 3. The development of things is the unity of progressiveness and tortuousness. We should believe that the future is bright. At the same time, we should be prepared to overcome the difficulties and setbacks on the way forward. 4. Quantitative change is the prerequisite and necessary preparation for qualitative change. Qualitative change is the inevitable result of quantitative change. We should pay attention to the accumulation of quantity, We should adhere to the law of "one divides into two" and look at problems in an all-round way. ② both sides of the contradiction can transform into each other under certain conditions. (for example: Thinking of danger in times of peace, things must go against the extreme.) ③ contradictions have their particularity, so we should make concrete analysis of specific problems. (oppose the principle of "one size fits all"). Concrete analysis of specific problems refers to the specific analysis of the particularity of contradictions under the guidance of the principle of universality of contradictions, And find out the right way to solve the contradiction, Adopting different solutions means that contradictory things and each side of them has its own characteristics. That is to say, different things have different contradictions. The same thing has different contradictions in different processes and stages of development. Many contradictions of complex things and both sides of the same contradiction have their own particularities. The reason why we insist on concrete analysis of specific problems is that concrete analysis of specific problems is necessary One of the important principles of Marxism is the living soul of Marxism. Concrete analysis of specific problems is the basis of our correct understanding of things. Concrete analysis of specific problems is the key to our correct solution of contradictions, In order to play a decisive role, we should be good at grasping the key points and concentrate on solving the main contradictions. The primary and secondary contradictions depend on and influence each other and can transform each other under certain conditions. We should learn to make overall plans and properly handle the secondary contradictions (6) the nature of things is determined by the main aspect of the main contradiction. We should distinguish the mainstream from the tributaries and grasp the essence of things. The secondary aspect will also affect the nature of things, We can't ignore the mainstream. (the common words reflecting the main aspects of contradiction are: mainstream, direction, nature or essence, subject, advantages and disadvantages, overall (look), general trend, trend, etc.) (focusing on the problem.) the dialectical negation requires us to have revolutionary critical spirit, establish innovative consciousness, base on practice, emancipate the mind, (3) dialectical epistemology 1. Practice determines cognition, practice is the basis of cognition, and practice is the source of cognition. Practice is the driving force for the development of cognition. Practice is the only standard for testing the truth of cognition. Practice is the purpose and destination of cognition, To test and develop truth in practice. Note: to understand and be able to explain with examples that practice is the source, motive force, foundation and purpose of cognition. 2. Cognition has a negative effect on practice, and scientific theory has a great guiding role on practice. 3. Truth is objective, and people have only one understanding of the truth of a given object. Everyone is equal before truth; truth is concrete and conditional, The truth is the truth for the specific process, condition and scope, otherwise the truth will become fallacy. 4. Human's cognition is repetitive, infinite and ascending. We should recognize and discover the truth in practice, The social function of innovation: ① innovation promotes the development of social productive forces; ② innovation promotes the change of production relations and social system; ③ innovation promotes the development of human thinking and culture; ④ innovation is the soul of national progress and the inexhaustible power of a country's prosperity, Innovation is the engine of the times and the driving force of social development. Attention: the philosophical basis for establishing innovation consciousness is materialism basis. Innovation consciousness is the expression of human subjective initiative, which embodies the unity of respecting objective laws and giving play to subjective initiative. Dialectics basis: innovation consciousness embodies the viewpoint of development, which should keep pace with the times, The essence of dialectical negation is "sublation". It is necessary to establish innovative consciousness and have revolutionary critical spirit. Epistemological basis: innovative consciousness reflects that cognition is repetitive, unlimited and ascending, and human cognition is constantly deepening, expanding and moving forward; Historical materialism 1. The dialectical relationship between social existence and social consciousness (1) social existence determines social consciousness, and social consciousness changes and develops with the change and development of social existence. (2) social consciousness is relatively independent and plays an active role in social existence, Advanced social consciousness plays a positive role in promoting social development. Attention: pay attention to the distinction between material and consciousness, practice and cognition, the difference between social existence and social consciousness, and be able to use social existence and social consciousness to analyze social phenomena, such as the emergence of network nouns, 2. The movement of social basic contradictions (two basic contradictions and two basic laws) 1. The interaction and contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations: in the mode of production, productive forces are the most revolutionary and active factor, Sooner or later, it will lead to the transformation of the relations of production. The relations of production have a negative effect on the productive forces. When the relations of production are suitable for the development of the productive forces, they will promote the development of the productive forces; when the relations of production are not suitable for the development of the productive forces, they will hinder the development of the productive forces, It is one of the basic laws of the development of human society. ② the interaction and contradictory movement between the economic base and the superstructure. The economic base determines the superstructure, and the superstructure has a reaction on the economic base. When the superstructure is suitable for the economic base, it promotes the consolidation and improvement of the economic base; when it is not suitable for the economic base, it promotes the consolidation and improvement of the economic base, It will hinder the development and reform of the economic base. This is the law that the superstructure must adapt to the situation of the economic base, which is the second basic law of the development of human society. 3. The people are the main body of practice and the creator of history: the people are the creators of social material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the decisive force of social change, Adhere to the mass line. Note: be able to explain with specific examples, such as the importance of people-oriented and people's livelihood. (1) adhere to the mass viewpoint. ① the basic content of the mass viewpoint: believe in the people themselves, liberate themselves, serve the people wholeheartedly, be responsible for everything to the people, and learn from the people with an open mind. ② the requirements of the mass viewpoint: adhere to the party for the public, The fundamental starting point of all our work is to govern for the people; to exercise power for the people; to use power for the people; to tie feelings to the people; to seek benefits for the people; to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. (2) to adhere to the mass line. (1) the basic content of the mass line: all for the masses, all relying on the masses, and all from the masses, 2. The status of the mass line: it is the fundamental leading and working method of the proletarian party. The practical significance of adhering to the mass viewpoint and the mass line: it is an important guarantee for our party to lead the people to win the revolutionary victory, and it is also an important guarantee for the successful construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 4. The value of life lies in creating value, It lies in the responsibility and contribution to the society