What is the essence of the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism

What is the essence of the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism

Marx's core theory mainly consists of two parts
The first is the epoch-making proposal that human beings can live in an environment without exploitation and oppression, breaking through the limit that human beings can only think about the future of human beings within the framework of exploitation and oppression, and pointing out that the direction of human progress at this stage is Communist society
It's just like human beings are crossing the river with stones in the dark like blind people, and Marx lit a bright light, so that human beings can see the bright road clearly without sinking under the water to touch the stones
Second, if the exploited and oppressed proletariat wants to be liberated, only the proletariat can stand up and revolt and overthrow the bourgeois dictatorship
Obviously, Marx only told the world that the development of mankind is based on the gradual embodiment of the interests of the overwhelming majority
Looking at the history of mankind all the way, we can clearly find that the progress of mankind, the development of society and the progress of history are indeed gradually reflecting the interests of the vast majority of people. Even if the temporary retrogression and restoration in the new stage of society is only temporary, mankind will still move forward
For example, the vast majority of people in feudal society were much less exploited and oppressed than those in slave society
Therefore, not only China, but also all human beings in the world are in the category of laws analyzed and interpreted by Marx
Social nature and system:
Socialist public ownership: the resources and wealth of the whole country are jointly owned, produced and enjoyed by the people of the whole country. Any private person does not possess the means of production, so that no one can ride on any head to exploit and oppress
Capitalist private ownership: the resources and wealth of the whole country are occupied by a few people. Most people do not have the means of production they need to survive. If they want to live, they have to serve a few people (bourgeoisie) and their labor is oppressed and exploited
Imperial System in feudal society: the resources and wealth of the whole country were occupied by a big family. Only the emperor had the right to assign the means of production to his relatives or his ministers. Most people did not have the means of production they needed to survive. To survive, they had to serve a few people (the landlord class) and their labor was oppressed and exploited
At present, the economic indicators used by human beings are: 1. People's medical care, education, employment, housing, social welfare and security for the aged. 2. Price stability, unemployment rate and financial revenue and expenditure
At present, the indicators used by human beings to measure the quality of society or the times are as follows: 1. The triad, prostitutes, drugs, slums and high crime rate that the masses do not want most; 2. The medical care, education, employment, housing, social welfare for the aged and peaceful social environment that the masses need most, What is not measured by this standard is invalid
At present, the standard used by human beings to measure the quality of things is: good is beneficial to the people; bad is harmful to the people
At present, the standard used by human beings to measure people's good or bad is: good people are good people whose words and deeds are beneficial to the people; bad people are bad people whose words and deeds are harmful to the people
Using these standards to measure people and things can be immediately clear and correct (but only for human beings, and animal life can't and doesn't know how to use these standards)

What are the common characteristics of the theoretical achievements of Marxism in China
(A) They are all the crystallization of the wisdom of the whole party
(B) All of them embody the embodiment of Marxism in China
(C) They all embody the characteristics and forms of Chinese nationality
(D) They all adhere to the basic principles of Marxism
(E) It's all their personal thoughts

(A) They are all the crystallization of the wisdom of the whole party
(B) All of them embody the embodiment of Marxism in China
(C) They all embody the characteristics and forms of Chinese nationality
(D) They all adhere to the basic principles of Marxism

Why does the theoretical achievement of Marxism in China embody

The theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism are embodied in Mao Zedong thought formed in the first leap and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics formed in the second leap