The inevitability and significance of China's socialist reform are analyzed by using the principle of the basic contradiction movement law of human society?

The inevitability and significance of China's socialist reform are analyzed by using the principle of the basic contradiction movement law of human society?

The theoretical necessity of socialist reform
(1) Marx and Engels did not give a clear answer to the question of whether socialism, as an advanced social system, still has contradictions, The view that there is no contradiction in the socialist society once became the mainstream. This is against the basic principles of Marxist philosophy and has a negative impact on the socialist practice, Human society changes and develops in the movement of contradictions. Marx and Engels applied the law of contradiction of things to the study of the historical process of human society, discovered the contradiction between productive forces and production relations, and further pointed out that the basic contradiction of any society is the contradiction between productive forces and production relations, The basic contradiction of any society is the contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, so there are contradictions in socialist society. The basic contradiction of socialist society is also the contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, Second, the basic contradiction of the traditional socialist economy is the contradiction between the socialization of production and the extreme non socialization of the means of production, Marx pointed out in his critique of political economy that when the productive forces develop to a certain stage, they will conflict with the relations of production. The relations of production hinder the development of productive forces. With the change of economic foundation, the superstructure will also change, At the beginning of the reform, there was a view that the socialism of the former Soviet Union and China was directly established without going through the capitalist stage, that the productive forces were far behind the capitalist society, and that the relations of production were more advanced than capitalism, The incompatibility between advanced relations of production and backward productive forces also hinders the development of productive forces. It is the basic contradiction of socialism that productive forces are advanced over relations of production. On the contrary, the contradiction between socialist productive forces and relations of production is still that relations of production lag behind productive forces, The development of human society will go through five social forms, namely primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society and Communist society. Lenin further called socialist society the first stage of Communist society, which is the lower stage, The system of private ownership of means of production seriously hinders the development of productive forces. The socialization of production is an advanced productive force. At the same time, the continuous development of productive forces does not depend on the will of human beings. Therefore, we should not and can not regress productive forces to adapt to backward production relations, In order to adapt to socialized production, public ownership should be established. In the process of socialist practice, public ownership should be implemented for the possession of means of production, Under the premise of basically realizing the socialization of production in socialist practice, public ownership in the form of industrial ownership by the whole people and agricultural collective ownership is implemented. In this mode, the state and the collective occupy the means of production on behalf of the people, The collective economy also develops under the state plan. In fact, the possession of the means of production is only concentrated on the state, which does not solve the contradiction between the socialization of production and the non socialization of the means of production, The contradiction between the socialization of production and the extreme non socialization of the means of production is the basic contradiction of the traditional socialist economy. (3) the connotation of socialist reform. Deng Xiaoping theory has made a penetrating exposition of the connotation of socialist reform, which can be summarized as follows: 1, "Reform is the direct driving force of socialist development", "to develop productive forces, economic system reform is the only way". Second, "reform is China's second revolution", "revolution is the liberation of productive forces, and reform is also the liberation of productive forces." after the establishment of the basic socialist system, we should fundamentally change the economic system that restricts the development of productive forces, To establish a socialist economic system full of vigor and vitality and promote the development of productive forces is reform, so reform is also the liberation of productive forces, In this sense, reform can also be called revolutionary change. "(Vol. 3, P. 135) third," adhering to the socialist direction in the reform, This is a very important issue. "(Volume 3, page 138) Deng Xiaoping repeatedly stressed that reform is the self adjustment, self perfection and development of the socialist system, the conscious adjustment of the parts of the relations of production that are incompatible with the productive forces, and the parts of the superstructure that are incompatible with the economic base, so as to liberate and promote the development of the productive forces, "Opening to the outside world is also reform." one of the important reasons for China's backwardness after the industrial revolution in western countries is that it has been closed to the outside world. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, we have been closed to the outside world to some extent, which has brought us some difficulties, (selected works of Deng Xiaoping, Vol. 2, P. 64) he also said: "experience has proved that it is impossible to succeed in building construction behind closed doors. China's development is inseparable from the world. Of course, a country as big as China can not build on its own, but mainly on its own. This is called self-reliance. However, on the basis of adhering to self-reliance, it also needs to open up to the outside world, Absorbing foreign capital and technology to help us develop. "(selected works of Deng Xiaoping, Vol. 3, pp. 78-79) this is a two-way and interdependent relationship. Help and contribution are mutual. Fifthly," reform is a big experiment ". Therefore, Deng Xiaoping pointed out many times that reform must be carried out step by step and orderly under the leadership of the party, We must properly handle the relationship among reform, development and stability. Reform is the driving force, development is the goal, and stability is the premise and guarantee. Sixth, we should put forward the criteria for judging the nature and success of reform. "The criteria for judging should mainly depend on whether it is conducive to the development of the productive forces of socialist society, whether it is conducive to the enhancement of the comprehensive national strength of socialist countries, Therefore, at present, socialist countries are generally in the primary stage of development, and there are a lot of contradictions and difficulties. It is not advisable to overemphasize the superiority of the socialist system, or blindly emphasize economic development, It is imperative to solve our current contradictions by means of reform

Using the principle of social basic contradiction, and connecting with the reality of China's reform and opening up, this paper explains that reform is the driving force of the development of socialist society
By using the principle of social basic contradiction and connecting with the reality of China's reform and opening up, this paper shows that reform is the driving force of the development of socialist society and the topic of the basic principles of Marxism in universities

First of all, the basic contradiction in our country is the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and the backward productive forces. In this way, we can say that we need to develop productive forces, and then there are all kinds of small contradictions... At different levels

Why is the basic social contradiction the fundamental driving force of social development

These two basic contradictions exist in all social forms, define the nature and basic structure of society, run through the development of human society, and promote the development of human society from low level to high level
The two pairs of basic contradictions contain three elements, namely productivity, production relations (economic base) and superstructure. They are connected, restricted and interacted with each other. Productivity determines production relations and production relations react on productivity; economic base determines superstructure and superstructure react on economic base, It constitutes the dialectical movement of the basic contradictions of the whole society with the development of productive forces as the ultimate motivation, and embodies the most general law of the development of human society

How to understand that the movement of basic social contradictions is the fundamental driving force of social development

First, the meaning of basic social contradictions. Basic social contradictions refer to the contradictions between productive forces and production relations, economic base and superstructure. These two pairs of contradictions run through the whole human society. Second, the movement of basic social contradictions promotes the development of human society