First, simplify, (X & # 178; - 1) △ x ^ [1 - (2x-1) ^ (x-1)], and then select an appropriate value of X to calculate

First, simplify, (X & # 178; - 1) △ x ^ [1 - (2x-1) ^ (x-1)], and then select an appropriate value of X to calculate

(2x-1)÷(x-1)=(2x-1)/(x-1)=[2(x-1)+1]/(x-1)=2+1/(x-1) …… ①
[1-(2x-1)÷(x-1)]=[(x-1)-(2x-1)]/(x-1)=-x/(x-1)=x/(1-x)…… ②
x÷[1-(2x-1)÷(x-1)]=x/x/(1-x)=1-x…… ③
(x²-1)÷x÷[1-(2x-1)÷(x-1)]=(x²-1)/(1-x)=(x+1)(x-1)/(1-x)=-x-1…… ④
Substitute x = 2 for - X-1 = - 3
Substituting x = 2 into the original formula: (4-1) / 2 / (1-3 / 1) = - 3
The simplification is correct
PS. maybe it's a bit messy, that's right to left simplification
First simplify (2x-1) / (x-1), that is, ①
Then 1 - (2x-1) / (x-1), that is, ②
Then there's x ^ [1 - (2x-1) ^ (x-1)], which is ③
Finally, there is all (X & # 178; - 1) △ x ^ [1 - (2x-1) △ X-1], that is, ④

How to calculate 4.83-1.56 + 0.17-2.44


4.6 * 3.26 + 9.7 * 6.52, in which 6.52 should be changed into 3.26 * 2

Original formula = 4.6 * 3.26 + 9.7 * 2 * 3.26
It's done~

Simple calculation of 52.4 × 0.5


How to calculate 1 / 5 * 27 + 3 / 5 * 41


2 times () = 5 / 7 divided by () = 1

2 times (2) = 5 / 7 divided by (5 / 7) = 1
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1 / a divided by 5 times a = ()

1 / 5



What is 76 * (1 / 23-1 / 53) + 23 * (1 / 53 + / 76) - 53 * (1 / 23-1 / 76) equal to?
11176 × (- -) + 23 × (- +) - 53 × (- -) - 23 53 53 76 23 76 "--" is the fractional line

76*(1/23-1/53)+23*(1/53+/76)-53*(1/23-1/76) =76/23 -76/53 +23/53 +23/76 -53/23 +53/76 =(76-53)/23 -(76-23)/53 +(53+23)/76 =1-1+1 =1

How much is seventy-seven times five out of seventy? It's a simple operation!

&Change to false score or with score