Don't ask me to explain unless you really don't understand

Don't ask me to explain unless you really don't understand

Don't bother to ask me for an explantion unless you don't really understand.
Don't ask me to explain unless you truly don't understand.

I solved the problem by myself without asking the teacher's help

I worked out the difficult problem on my own without asking my teacher for help.

I can't tell you now, I have to think about it
Can you think of a good place to spend the weekend?
I didn't have a pen, so I used a pencil instead
I'll do the laundry for my mother
I didn't like the job at first
We should be there before dark

I couldn't tell you now,I need think about it for a while.Could you suggest a nice place for weekend?I have no pen,so I just use a pencil instead.I need wash clothes for my mom.At the beginning I didn...

Help me solve my English problems
1. He doesn't regret what he said. He just thinks he can express it in this way
2. We'd better wait until December 14, when David has finished his exam and can go on holiday with us
3. He is working on a new project, which must be finished by the end of the year
4. They let us use their laboratories, and we let them share their research results. (in return)
5. It took a whole day to print this term paper

1.He doesn't regret for saying that,but he thought he could have done it in another way.2.We'd better wait David untill Dec.14 th.At that time,he will have finished his exam,and we can go for a vacatio...

Chinese English translation, to be accurate!
I will follow Michael TSE all my life, no regrets, never leave

I will follow michael tse all my life.I shall never regret it,and never part with her

51. Down to earth, mountains make way, persevere, the sea can move
52. Learning from him, he is ambitious and painstakingly honed
53. Success is determined by care, and height by standard
54. If time could be turned back, half of the world would be great
55. If we wake up every morning and feel what our shortcomings are today, feel that we need to be more perfect today, and feel that we still have pursuit, what a happy thing it is

51,Mountains shall make way for those who have their feet on the ground,while seas are movable for the the persistent.
52,Studying here,one should be ambitious and ready to be sharpened by sufferings,and to look into the future when he can carry out his grand plans to comfort the life.
53,To be careful leads to a success while to be normative generates an altitude.
54,Should time go back,half of the world would become great personages.
55,How nice it should be when we wake up every morning only to find there is something missing,something that needs to be perfected,and something that is still worth pursuing.

Chinese English translation, accurate, accurate!
It is more difficult to forget someone than to fall in love with someone?

It is much harder to forget a person than to love one.
Please accept it in time, thank you!

What's the number behind? I believe the wise friends can solve it!


23,36,25,32,27,30,( )

Two adjacent terms are subtracted to form the sequence - 13,11, - 7,5, - 3
Numbers are prime numbers, positive and negative separated, so the next number is 2, that is 30 - () = 2
() fill in 28

What is the number after 23, 36, 25, 32, 27 and 30

Two adjacent terms are subtracted to form the sequence - 13,11, - 7,5, - 3
Numbers are prime numbers, positive and negative separated, so the next number is 2, that is 30 - () = 2