The circumference of a circle is 360 degrees. Why should we define a circle as 360 instead of other numbers? Does it have a background and serve physics,

The circumference of a circle is 360 degrees. Why should we define a circle as 360 instead of other numbers? Does it have a background and serve physics,

The reason why the circumference angle is 360 degrees is that 360 can be divided by quite a lot of natural numbers. Taking 1 / 2, 1 / 3, 1 / 4, 1 / 5, 1 / 6, 1 / 8, 1 / 9, 1 / 10 and so on can all take integer angles. This is the same as taking 60 minutes for an hour

Why divide a circle into 360 degrees

About 6000 years ago, Mesopotamians invented the wheel. They like the number 60 very much, because 60 is very useful, and there are many factors that make it convenient for basic operations or business. In Mary blocksma's book reading the numbers, it is mentioned that the Mesopotamian 60 digit system was introduced to ancient Egypt, The ancient Egyptians used this system to divide the circle into 360 degrees. The 360 degree circle was very easy to use for the ancient Egyptians. They liked regular triangles very much, and a circle with good rigidity could hold six regular triangles. Because the circle with good rigidity was composed of six triangles with 60 degree internal angles, the 360 degree internal angle of the circle was quite reasonable, After that, the 360 degree circle passed the test of time and further influenced the time scale: when people first recorded time on a circular surface, they naturally divided every hour into 60 minutes and every minute into 60 seconds

Why is the circle divided into 360 degrees

There are many explanations for this problem. The most popular conjecture is that in 3000 BC, the ancient Sumerians living in the present southern Iraq took 360 days to calculate the orbit of the sun around the earth, so they divided the circle into 360 equal parts, They used a 60 base mathematical system. They used it to divide angles into 60 degrees, and six of these angles were combined to make 360 degrees, which was roughly the same as the ancient Sumerians thought

Can there be an angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees? If so, what is its definition?
I am a junior high school student. If it exists, can I use it?

The size of the angle has nothing to do with the length of the side; the size of the angle depends on the degree of opening of the two sides of the angle. The larger the opening, the larger the angle. On the contrary, the smaller the opening, the smaller the angle. The angle can be divided into acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, flat angle, perimeter angle, negative angle, positive angle, superior angle, inferior angle and zero angle
Acute angle: the angle greater than 0 ° and less than 90 ° is called acute angle
Right angle: an angle equal to 90 ° is called a right angle
Obtuse angle: an angle greater than 90 ° and less than 180 ° is called obtuse angle
Flat angle: an angle equal to 180 ° is called a flat angle
Superior angle: greater than 180 ° and less than 360 ° is called superior angle
Inferior angle: more than 0 ° less than 180 ° is called inferior angle, acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle are inferior angle
Circumference: an angle equal to 360 ° is called circumference
Negative angle: the angle formed by clockwise rotation is called negative angle
Positive angle: the angle of counter clockwise rotation is positive
Angle 0: an angle equal to zero degrees
Complementary angle and complementary angle: if the sum of two angles is 90 degrees, the two angles are complementary to each other, and if the sum of two angles is 180 degrees, the two angles are complementary to each other. The complementary angles of equal angles are equal, and the complementary angles of equal angles are equal
Opposite vertex angle: after two lines intersect, there is only one common vertex, and both sides of the two angles are opposite extension lines. Such two angles are called opposite vertex angles. Two lines intersect to form two opposite vertex angles. The two opposite vertex angles are equal
There are also many angles, such as internal stagger angle, apposition angle, internal angle of the same side!
If the teacher has taught it, it should be able to use it, but sometimes it can be used if it appears when doing exercises,