The engineering team needs to repair a 3 km long road in 10 days. How many parts of the road and how many kilometers do they need to repair every day?

The engineering team needs to repair a 3 km long road in 10 days. How many parts of the road and how many kilometers do they need to repair every day?

Average daily repair 1 / 10
Average daily repair 3 × 1 / 10 = 3 / 10 km

An engineering team has built a section of road, which is two fifths of the total length in six days. How many parts of the total length are built every day
According to this calculation, how many parts of the total length can be repaired in 10 days?

On average, how many parts of a day are required to be repaired?
Divide a few parts by the number of days. Divide two fifths by six to get one fifteenth
In 10 days, 10 times 1 / 15 equals two-thirds
This kind of question is like walking 45 kilometers in two-thirds of an hour?
(the final unit is kilometer. The kilometer divided by time equals kilometer
How many hours per kilometer?
(the last unit is hour. Divide hour by kilometer equals hour.)
Remember the last unit and divide it by the other
Hope to be helpful to your study!

The team will build a 4000 meter long road, which will be completed in 9 days. How many kilometers will be built every day on average? What percentage of the road will be built every day on average?

First, turn meters into kilometers. 4000 meters = 4 kilometers. Divide 4 by 9, and you get four ninths. Therefore, on average, 4 / 9 kilometers are built every day, and 1 / 9 of this road is built every day

A 2km long road is to be built in Honghua village, which is planned to be completed in nine days. How many kilometers are built every day on average? How many parts of the road are built every day on average?
I want formula! Just formula!

Honghua village needs to build a 2km long road, which is planned to be completed in 9 days. How many kilometers per day on average?
2 △ 9 = 2 / 9 km
What percentage of the road is built every day?