1024 divided by 2 divided by 8 + 512 divided by 2 equals how much divided by how much + [how much divided by how much + how much]

1024 divided by 2 divided by 8 + 512 divided by 2 equals how much divided by how much + [how much divided by how much + how much]


In the circle divided by triangle is equal to 8 and 5, what is the smallest triangle? What is the circle?

Because the remainder is smaller than the divisor, the remainder is 5, so the minimum triangle can be 6, and the circle should be 6 * 8 + 5 = 53

Fourth grade mathematics circle divided by triangle equal to 18 more than 9 circles plus triangle equal to 655 circle equal to how many triangles equal to

Triangle = (655-9) / (18 + 1) = 24
Circle = 655-24 = 621