How much is 220 times 220 divided by 360

How much is 220 times 220 divided by 360


When calculating division, little careless regards dividing by 3 as multiplying by 3. The result is 360 more than before. What's the correct quotient? Let's make it clear!

If you divide by 3 and multiply by 3, the result is 3 × 3 = 9
Increased by 360 - 9-1 = 8 times
So the correct quotient is: 360 △ 8 = 45

A △ B = C (a, B, C are all non-zero natural numbers)______ Yes______ The factor of______ Yes______ A multiple of

A △ B = C (a, B, C are non-zero natural numbers), B and C are factors of a, and a is a multiple of B and C. so the answer is: B, C, a, a, B, C

a. B, C, D are non-zero natural numbers, if 4 / 5 times a = divided by 3 / 4 = C divided by 0.2 = D times 10 / 9, a, B, C, D are four

Because, 4 / 5 × a = B △ 3 / 4 = C △ 0.2 = D × 10 / 9;
Therefore, a = 5 / 4; b = 4 / 3; C = 0.2; d = 9 / 10;