A number plus one-third minus one-and-a-half results in one sixth of the number

A number plus one-third minus one-and-a-half results in one sixth of the number

Let this number be X. according to the meaning of the problem, we can get: x + 1 / 3-3 / 2 = 1 / 6, the solution is: x = 4 / 3, so this number is 4 / 3

One sixth of number a is equal to one fifth of number B. the ratio of number a to number B is six to five?

Yes, according to the number, let a be 6 and B be 5, and the equations are equal. So a is better than B = 6:5
(when a and B are non-zero numbers)

Three fifths of a is equal to five sixths of B. the ratio of B to a is ()

Three fifths of number a is equal to five sixths of number B. the ratio of number B to number a is (18:25) = (0.72)

Three fifths of a is equal to seven sixths of B. what is the ratio of a to B,

Three fifths of a is equal to seven sixths of B
The ratio of number a to number b = 7 / 6:3 / 5 = 35:18