Two fifths of the number a is five sixths of the number B, the number B is 24, and the number a is ()

Two fifths of the number a is five sixths of the number B, the number B is 24, and the number a is ()

Two fifths of a is five sixths of B, B is 24 and a is (50)

Two fifths of the number a is equal to one sixth of the number B

Let a be X

The number a is 24. Five sixths of the number B is equal to the number A. how much less is the number a than the number B?

B number
=24 △ 5 / 6
=24 × 6 / 5
=144 out of 5
The number of a is less than that of B
=144-24 out of 5
=144 / 4-120 / 5
=24 out of 5

27 out of 38 times 2 out of 57 is the detailed process
27 out of 38 divided by 2 out of 57 is the detailed process
