A number divided by 0.5 is equal to how many times the number

A number divided by 0.5 is equal to how many times the number

Take two, please

A number greater than 0 divided by 14 is the number ()
A. 4 times smaller B. 4 times larger C. 14 times smaller

According to the analysis, a number greater than 0 divided by 14 is equal to the number multiplied by 4, which is to expand the number by 4 times

Three times of a number is 45 times more than two thirds of a number. Find three twentieth of a number four divided by the sum of one twentieth and one fourth, and find the number

First question
Equation: let this number be X
Arithmetic: 45 (3-3 / 2)
Second question

If you divide a number by 1 / 4, the number will be reduced to 1 / 4,

No. this number will increase to four times of it

A nonzero natural number divided by 4 / 1 is four times larger than the number. Is it wrong or right
It's a judgment question. I'm struggling with the expansion

Classmate, you have the wrong number. It's 1 / 4. If it's 1 / 4, it's right. If it's 4 / 1, it's wrong

If a is a non-zero natural number, then 1 / 4 divided by 1 equals (), 1 / a divided by 4 equals ()

1 / 4 divided by a is equal to 1 / (4a) 1 / a divided by 4 is also equal to 1 / (4a)

The number divided by one third is three times larger

Judgment: dividing a number by one-third is equivalent to expanding the number to three times its size. Right or wrong? Excluding negative numbers

That's right. Bring in non negative numbers

If a is a non-zero natural number, how much is 1 / 5 divided by a? How much is 1 / a divided by 5?

(1/5)/a=1/5a (1/a)/5=1/5a

A number plus 3, and then divided by 3, and then minus 3, the result is equal to 3, what is this number?