Divide a number by 15, and the number is quadrupled______ (judge right or wrong)

Divide a number by 15, and the number is quadrupled______ (judge right or wrong)

If a number is divided by 15, it is equal to multiplying by 5, which is equivalent to expanding by 5 times, that is, increasing by 4 times

Divide a number by 15, and the number is quadrupled______ (judge right or wrong)

If a number is divided by 15, it is equal to multiplying by 5, which is equivalent to expanding by 5 times, that is, increasing by 4 times

Multiplying 100 by a number (except zero) is the same as dividing the number by 0.01______ (judge right or wrong)

For example: 2 × 100 = 200, 2 △ 0.01 = 200, so the result of multiplying 100 by a number that is not 0 is the same as that of dividing this number by 0.01

A number divided by 4 plus 3 is equal to the number divided by 5 plus 4

This number divided by four is one more than this number divided by five
This number can be divided by both 4 and 5. Let it be 20
This number divided by four is five; divided by five is four
Five is bigger than four, one is bigger, one is bigger
So the number is 20

Divide a number by 3, take 5, and add this result to this number, which equals 1512. What's the number?

Let this number be X
x÷3×5 +x=1512

If a number (not equal to zero) is divided by 1 / 7, the number will be (1) expanded to 7 times (2) increased by 7 times (3) reduced to 1 / 7

(1) Expand to seven times the original

If you divide a nonzero number by 13, the number will be reduced by three times______ (judge right or wrong)

Let this number be 6, then: 6 △ 13 = 18; 18 is 3 times of 6, which is 3 times larger than the original number

If you divide a number that is not zero by 1 / 3, the number will be doubled. What's the number


What is 0 divided by any number that is not equal to 0

0. No matter 0 divided by any number that is not equal to 0, it is 0

If you divide a decimal by 0.01, you will enlarge the decimal to 100 times the original______ (judge right or wrong)

If you divide a decimal by 0.01, you will enlarge the decimal to 100 times the original