How to calculate 13.9 * 9.9 + 1.39 simply

How to calculate 13.9 * 9.9 + 1.39 simply


Simple calculation of the sum of 1 / 39 plus 2 / 35 and multiplying by 13 plus 9 / 35

One 39 plus two 35 times 13 plus nine 35
=(1 / 39 + 2 / 35) × 13 + 9 / 35
=1 / 3 + 26 / 35 + 9 / 35
=1 / 3 + (26 / 35 + 9 / 35)
=1 / 3 + 1
=4 / 3

Simple calculation of 395 △ 283 × 254 △ 39.5 × 2.83 △ 2.54


The quotient of nonzero natural number a divided by () must be greater than a
A. True fraction B. false fraction C. 1

According to the meaning of fractional division, dividing by a fraction is equal to multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction. If the divisor is a true fraction, that is, a number less than 1, its reciprocal must be greater than 1. Then, the product of a non-zero natural number multiplied by a number greater than 1 must be greater than this number

If several true fractions are multiplied, the product becomes more and more []; the quotient of a false fraction divided by a true fraction must be the false fraction

If several true fractions are multiplied, the product becomes smaller and smaller. The quotient of a false fraction divided by a true fraction must be greater than the false fraction

A positive integer a divided by (), the quotient must be greater than a

True score

The reciprocal of a true fraction is just an integer. The true fraction divided by its reciprocal equals one sixteenth. What is the true fraction?
Such as the problem, the best equation solution

Let the true fraction be x / y, and the determinant X / Y △ Y / x = 1 / 16, so x2 / y2 = 1 / 16, X / y = 1 / 4

A number divided by a true fraction is equal to the reciprocal of this number multiplied by a true fraction, right


The reciprocal of true fraction is greater than 1______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the method of finding the reciprocal of a number, because the true fraction is less than 1, the reciprocal of the true fraction is greater than 1

a> 0 in the eighth a, when a () is the true fraction, when a () is the false fraction, and when a equals (), it is 0

True fractions are generally discussed in the range of positive numbers. Fractions with values less than 1
The false fraction is relative to the true fraction and is usually discussed in the range of positive numbers. Fractions with values greater than or equal to 1