How to divide 254 * 395-141 by 254 + 395 * 253 with a simple algorithm

How to divide 254 * 395-141 by 254 + 395 * 253 with a simple algorithm


What is 128 degrees 39 minutes 49 seconds multiplied by 5 minus 36 degrees 54 minutes 24 seconds divided by 6

128 degrees 39 minutes 49 seconds times 5 minus 36 degrees 54 minutes 24 seconds divided by 6
=640 degrees 195 minutes 245 seconds - 6 degrees 9 minutes 4 seconds
=634 degrees 186 minutes 241 seconds
=636 degrees, 10 minutes, 1 second

What is the basis of 39.54 △ 12.5 = 395.4 △ 125?

According to the law of constant quotient, the divisor and divisor are expanded 10 times at the same time, and the quotient is constant

(2 / 3 + 5 / 9) divided by (2 / 3-5 / 9)

(2 / 3 + 5 / 9) divided by (2 / 3-5 / 9)
=(2 / 3 × 9 + 5 / 9 × 9) divided by (2 / 3 × 9-5 / 9 × 9)

When B is (), it is a false fraction; when B is (), it is a true fraction; when B is how much, it is a false fraction
The fractional unit of this fraction, when B is, is the simplest fraction

1. When B is greater than or equal to a, it is a false fraction; when B is less than a, it is a true fraction; when B = 1, it is the fractional unit of this fraction. When B and a are coprime, it is the simplest fraction

In 8 of a, a is a natural number which is not equal to 0. (1) when a (), it is a true fraction. (2) when a (), it is a false fraction

When a > 8, it is a true fraction. (2) when a ≤ 8, it is a false fraction

When a is equal to (), a seventh of a is a true fraction. When a is equal to (), a seventh of a is a false fraction,
When a is equal to (), a seventh of a is a true fraction. When a is equal to (), a seventh of a is a false fraction. When a is equal to (), a seventh of a is 0. When a (), a seventh of a is its fraction

In the fraction a of seven, when a equals(

If a false fraction is divided by a true fraction, the quotient (a) must be greater than one, b less than one, C equal to one

If the false fraction is greater than one, the reciprocal of the true fraction is greater than one. The multiplication of two numbers greater than one must be greater than one

1 / 13 divided by the numerator is the largest true fraction of 1, the quotient is (); 1 / 13 multiplied by the denominator is the smallest false fraction of 5, the product is ()

1 / 13 divided by the numerator is the largest true fraction of 1, the quotient is (1 / 13 △ 1 / 2 = 2 / 13); 1 / 13 multiplied by the denominator is the smallest false fraction of 5, and the product is (1 / 13 × 5 / 5 = 1 / 13)

B / a (a > 0), when a (), it is true fraction, when a (), it is false fraction, when a (), the value is equal to B
B (). It is the fractional unit of this fraction

B / a (a > 0), when a (> b), it is true fraction, when a (≤ b), it is false fraction,
When a (= 1), the value is equal to B. when B (= 1), it is the fractional unit of the fraction