Simple calculation. 13 / 16 × (4 / 13 × 17-4 / 13) Simple calculation 13 / 16 × (4 / 13 × 17 - 4 / 13)

Simple calculation. 13 / 16 × (4 / 13 × 17-4 / 13) Simple calculation 13 / 16 × (4 / 13 × 17 - 4 / 13)

23-17 - (- 7) + (- 16) 2 / 3 + (- 1 / 5) - 1 + 1 / 3
(26.54) + (- 6.4) - 18.54 + 6.4 (- 4 and 7 / 8) - (- 5 and 1 / 2) + (- 4 and 1 / 4) - 3 and 8 / 10 + 1 - [(- 1) - (- 3 / 7) - (+ 5) - (- 4 / 7))] + - 4

(26.54) + (- 6.4) - (18.54) + 6.4 change the position, the original formula = - 26.54-18.54 = - 45.08 (- 4.8 / 7) - (- 5.2 / 1) + (- 4.4 / 1) - (3.8 / 1) = (- 4.8 / 7) - (3.8 / 1) - [(- 5.2 / 1) + (- 4.4 / 1)] =

Ax three quarters = BX four fifths (a, B are not equal to 0), then a

Ax three quarters = BX four fifths (a, B are not equal to 0), then a

Fill in four fifths, two fifths, five one fifths, (), one twentieth, ()

Four fifths, two fifths, one fifth, (one tenth), one twentieth, (one fortieth)
The latter is equal to the former divided by 2

Fill in the numbers according to the rules: 1 and 1 / 10, 2 and 1 / 5, 3.3, 22 / 5
One tenth, two fifths, 3.3, 22 fifths, (), ()

1 and 1 / 10, 2 and 1 / 5, 3.3, 22 / 5, (6.6), (7.7)
Rule: every number is a decimal,
The integral parts are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The decimal parts are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 respectively,

Find the rules and fill in the numbers (1) four fifths, two fifths, (), one twentieth, (), ()
Find the rules and fill in the numbers (1) four fifths, two fifths, (), one twentieth, (), ()

① Four fifths, two fifths, (one fifths), (one tenth), one twentieth, (one fortieth), two thirds, one half, three fourths, (27 eighties), (81 sixteenth)

The simple mathematical algorithm 6.3 divided by 18 is


The simple algorithm of 17 / 48 × 49 the reciprocal of a number is 3 / 4, so what is its 5 / 16

17 / 48 × 49
=17 and 17 / 48
If the reciprocal of a number is three fourths, what is five sixteenth
The reciprocal of a number is three quarters, and the number is four thirds
If the reciprocal of a number is three fourths, then five sixteenth of a number is 5 / 12

15 times 8 divided by 2 plus 54 equals

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What is 224 divided by 28?

It's eight