Calculation by formula: 3.2 (0.25 + 17 / 6) 12.5 / 5 / 3 + 9 / 64 Calculation by formula: 3.2 (0.25 + 17 / 6) 12.5 / 5 / 3 + 9 / 64

Calculation by formula: 3.2 (0.25 + 17 / 6) 12.5 / 5 / 3 + 9 / 64 Calculation by formula: 3.2 (0.25 + 17 / 6) 12.5 / 5 / 3 + 9 / 64

Observe the following three numbers: 0,3,8,15,24, (1) 2,5,10,17,26, (2) 0,6,16,30,48, (3)
1、 What is the rule of the number of lines (1)?
2、 What is the relationship between the number of lines (2) (3) and the number of lines (1)?
3、 Take the nth number in each row and find the sum of the three numbers

The difference in the number of lines (1) is 3,5,7,9 in turn. General formula: (n square - 1). The number of lines (2) is still 3,5,7,9 in turn. General formula (n square + 1). The number of lines (3) is twice that of the first line

Observe the following three lines: 0 38 15 24 ① 2 510 17 26 ② 0 6 16 30 48 ③
Observe the following three lines
0 3 8 15 24①
2 5 10 17 26②
0 6 16 30 48③
(1) according to what rules are the numbers in the first line arranged, please write (use the formula to list the expressions of each number)
(2) what is the relationship between the number of the second three lines and the number of the first line
(3) take the nth number in each row and find the sum of the three numbers

The difference in the number of lines (1) is 3,5,7,9 in turn. General formula: (n-square-1). The number of lines (2) is still 3,5,7,9 in turn. General formula (n-square + 1). The number of lines (3) is twice that of the first line. So, the answer to the third question: take the nth number in each line, and find the sum of these three numbers = (n-square-1) + (n-square + 1) + 2 (n-square-1) = 4n-square-1