58.48% of English translations

58.48% of English translations

Fifty eight point four eight percent.
Percentage representation
Percentage is expressed by base + percent
50% fifty percent
3% three percent
0.12% zero point one two percent
The first half of percent here, per, stands for "every one" and the second half of percent stands for "hundred"

English translation
Are you in class 11, grade one of junior high school

Are you in Class 11 Grade

English translation
I make my bed every night
Jack's teacher is strict with him
I can only relax on weekends
Don't leave the basketball in the classroom
There are many books we can read in this bookstore
Please keep the classroom clean
If you don't practice, you'll never learn to drive
&No Baidu translation!

follow the rules are very important.
I make bed every evening.
Jake's teacher is strict to him.
I only on weekends to relax
Don't leave the basketball in the classroom
There are many books for us to read in this book store
Please keep the clean in classroom.
if you don't practice would never can't drive.
Pure manual translation, I am also a junior high school student, I wish every day!

English translation
—————————Help for Old people————————
We need help at the old people's home.Are you free in July?Are you good with old people?Can you talk to them and play games with them?They can tell you stories,and you can make friends.It is interesting and fun!Please call us at 689-7729 today!
——————————Help with Sports in English————————
Are you busy after school?No? Can you speak English?Yes?Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.It is relaxing ang easy!Please come to the Students' Sports Center.Call Mr.Brown at 293-7742.
——————————Music Teacher Wanted————————
Can you play the piano or the violin?Do you have time on the weekend?The school needs help to teath music.It is not difficult!Please call Mrs.Miller at 555-3721

Helping the elderly
We need to help the old people at home. Are you free in July? Are you good at communicating with the old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories and you can make friends. It's interesting and wonderful! Please call us at 689 today
-7729! Say it
English to help sports
Are you busy after school? Not busy? Can you speak English? Really? Then we need you to help English speaking students in sports. It's relaxing and easy! Please go to the student sports center. Call Mr. Brown to 293 - 7742
Recruitment of music teachers
Can you play the piano or violin? Do you have time on weekends? The school needs help teaching music. It's not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555 - 3721
Believe me, this is more accurate!