It's one point fifty-eight in English

It's one point fifty-eight in English fifty-eight
2.two to two

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How to Appreciate a Play
Plays, or drama, have fascinated people all over the world throughout history. A play is a vivid representation of real-life activities. Appreciating a play requires the audience to explore what lies behind the lines and what happens on the stage. The following is a brief introduction to the basic elements of a play
I don't want machine translation, thank you!

How to enjoy the short play
Short play, or drama, has fascinated people all over the world since ancient times
A short play is actually a vivid representation of real life
To appreciate the short play, the audience needs to discover the hidden meaning from the lines and think deeply about what is happening on the stage
Next is a brief introduction to the basic elements of the short play

English translation
Great books are the most instructive.They contain what cannot be found in other books.Whether you agree or disagree with what they say,these are the primary teachers of mankind; they have made basic contributions to human thought.

Great books are the most instructive. They contain what cannot be found in other books. Whether you agree or disagree with what they say, these are the primary teachers of mankind; they have made basi...

Be a man

be a man