Spend less money?

Spend less money?

spend less money
She spends less money on books.

Spend time on

spend...(sometime) doing sth
take ...(sometime) to do sth
They have the same meaning and can be used in the conversion of synonymous sentences

A car starts from place a at 10:00 a.m. and goes to place B at a constant speed. It is 390 kilometers away from place B at 12:30 p.m. and 270 kilometers away from place B at 2:30 p.m. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

The driving time from 12:30 noon to 2:30 PM is 2 hours, (390-270) △ 2, = 120 △ 2, = 60 (km / h); the total driving time from 10:00 am to 2:30 PM is 4.5 hours, 60 × 4.5 + 270, = 270 + 270, = 540 (km); a: the distance between a and B is 540 km

1: What is the diameter of the two semicircles? (the width of the standard runway is 1.25m, and the number should be an integer) 2: what is the area of the lawn inside the runway? 3: there are two people walking around the outside and inside of the runway, what is the difference between them? 4: forget it, it's a drawing, drawn with 1:2000, ha ha!

(1)400-200=200(m) 200÷3.14≈64(m)
(2)100×64=6400(m²) 3.14×(62÷2)²≈32159(m²)
(3) Lateral: 3.14 × (32 + 1.25) × 2 + 2 × 100 = 408.81 (m)
Outside: 3.14 × 32 × 2 + 200 = 400.96 (m)