The sum of the products of the nine nine multiplication formula It's a copy

The sum of the products of the nine nine multiplication formula It's a copy

The result is 1155
There must be a lot of methods. Let me talk about my algorithm
There are: 1 1,1 + 2,1 + 2 + 3 and so on
We get 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 10, 4, 15, 5, 21, 6, 28, 7, 36, 8, 45, 9,
Then combination and priority operation method can be obtained, of course, can also be accumulated by column

When 99 is divided into 19 prime numbers, the maximum prime number is required to be as large as possible. Then, what is the maximum prime number?

When 99 is divided into 19 prime numbers, the maximum prime number is required to be as large as possible. Then, what is the maximum prime number?
So if 99 is divided into 19 prime numbers and the largest prime number is required to be as large as possible, then the largest prime number is 61

Split 99 into the sum of 19 prime numbers. To make the largest prime number as large as possible, what is the largest prime number?

Make the maximum prime as large as possible and the other prime as small as possible
Suppose that all other prime numbers are 2:
99 - 2 × 18 = 63
So the maximum prime number is less than or equal to 63, and 63 is a composite number, and the prime number less than 63 is 61
The maximum prime is 61
99 = 2 × 16 + 3 × 2 + 61

Divide 99 into the sum of nine prime numbers and find the largest prime number as large as possible. What is the largest prime number? (it's better to have a little process)

The biggest one within 99 is 97 impossible, the second is 79, 3x8 = 24 and 99-79 = 20, so four three four two one 79