5 / 6 × {- 1 / 8} × {2 / 5} × {- 4 / 9} .

5 / 6 × {- 1 / 8} × {2 / 5} × {- 4 / 9} .

5 / 6 × {- 1 / 8} × {2 / 5} × {- 4 / 9}
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

One eighth divided by [one fifth multiplied by (two fifths + one tenth)] is a simple calculation

One eighth divided by [one fifth multiplied by (two fifths + one tenth)]

A simple method is used to calculate the process

[5/9-(7/8-0.875)]÷4/9 =[5/9-(0.875-0.875)]÷4/9 =5/9÷4/9 =5/9×9/4 =5/4

(half minus one third multiplied by 50%) divided by 2.5 is a simple method

(half minus one-third times 50%) divided by 2.5%