To find the sum or difference of the quotient of two numbers divided by the same number (except 0), you can first find the sum or difference of the two numbers, and then divide by the same divisor 42 divided by 9 plus 48 divided by 9 290 divided by 5 minus 265 divided by 5 use the recursive equation

To find the sum or difference of the quotient of two numbers divided by the same number (except 0), you can first find the sum or difference of the two numbers, and then divide by the same divisor 42 divided by 9 plus 48 divided by 9 290 divided by 5 minus 265 divided by 5 use the recursive equation

Reference answer:
In fact, it is a variant of the law of distribution by multiplication
May I help you!

What is the product of the quotient of 15.5 divided by 615 multiplied by the reciprocal of 0.25?

According to the question stem, we can get 615 △ 15.5 × 4, = 315 △ 312 × 4, = 315 × 231 × 4, = 25 × 4, = 85; answer: the product is 85

What is the quotient of the reciprocal of 1 / 15 divided by the product of 38 and 5 / 19?
