What time is Moscow at 10:00 Beijing time

What time is Moscow at 10:00 Beijing time

Beijing time is in the East 8 District, and Moscow is in the east 3 district
East plus West minus principle, Moscow minus five hours, that is, five o'clock

What time is Moscow at 7 a.m. Beijing time
What time is it in London, Moscow, Tokyo and New York

London: Central time zone, 23 o'clock the day before
Moscow: Eastern three, 2 a.m
Beijing: East eight district, 7 am
Tokyo: Tokyo, 8 am
New York: West five, 18 o'clock the day before

&#A plane takes off from Beijing at 8:00 Beijing time and arrives in Moscow at 10:00 local time on the same day. How many hours does it take on the way?
There must be a formula, after!

Seven hours

Beijing time is the regional time of the East eight time zone in China, and the longitude of the central longitude of this time zone is 120 ° east longitude
Longitude is 90 ° east longitude. Geographically, "Xinjiang Tibet time" is 2 hours earlier than Beijing time (). A, B, C, D and 2 hours later!

D. 2 hours late

If the longitude of a place is known, how to judge which time zone it belongs to?

For example, 0 degree, 15 degree, 60 degree, 105 degree are all. Each of these longitudes (that is, the degree can be divided by 15) has 7.5 accuracies in the east-west direction, so that the whole longitude range is 15 degree, which is the shape of

What is the longitude of the longitude which is 6 hours and 20 minutes different from Beijing time?

Beijing: 120 ° e, 6 hours and 20 minutes is equivalent to 15 × 6 + 15 × 1 / 3 = 95 ° E
It's 25 degrees east longitude

Why do all time zones take the local time of the central meridian as their own time?

The division of time zone is based on the (zero) longitude as the starting point, and the "central longitude" is also called "primary Meridian" from east to west. The division of time zone is based on the primary meridian (zero longitude). The zero time zone is from 7.5 degrees west longitude to 7.5 degrees east longitude (longitude interval is 15 degrees)

How can District time be converted into local time? For example, when Beijing time is six o'clock, what is the local time of Haikou City (110 degrees east longitude and 20 degrees north latitude)

Beijing time is six o'clock, which means that the dehumidification time in the East eight district where Beijing is located is six o'clock. That is to say, the local time of 120 degrees east longitude of the central longitude in the East eight district is six o'clock. The difference between 110 degrees east longitude in Haikou and 120 degrees east longitude in Tokyo is ten degrees. According to the change law of local time, we know that the difference of one degree longitude is four minutes, The difference between ten degrees here is 40 minutes. Moreover, 110 degrees east longitude is to the west of 120 degrees Tokyo. Therefore, Haikou time should be 40 minutes less than 120 degrees Tokyo local time, that is, 5:20

Regional time refers to the local time of () in each time zone

Area time refers to the local time of the location of each time zone (central meridian)

It is known that the local time of 140 degrees east longitude is 9 o'clock, so the time zone and time of the area can be calculated
I know how to calculate the time zone. It's definitely not 9 o'clock

It is located in the East nine district, because the East nine district is 135 degrees east longitude, which is 5 degrees more than the East nine district. One degree is 4 minutes, which is 20 minutes more than the local time of the East nine district. If you subtract these 20 minutes, it is 8:40