Time zone? Local time? Regional time? Book: take the local time of the central meridian as the standard time of the whole district Title: the middle line of time zone is: (local time, area time) I don't understand very well. I really can't start this problem It's all my choice answers. Do you think it's better to write local time or regional time?

Time zone? Local time? Regional time? Book: take the local time of the central meridian as the standard time of the whole district Title: the middle line of time zone is: (local time, area time) I don't understand very well. I really can't start this problem It's all my choice answers. Do you think it's better to write local time or regional time?

Of course, it's a short time

What is the geographical coordinates of the point of direct sunlight at 10 o'clock Beijing time on the summer solstice

The summer solstice is the Tropic of cancer,
Ten o'clock Beijing time is ten o'clock in the eight East districts, and 115 ° e is ten o'clock. Push two time zones eastward, that is, 145 ° e is twelve o'clock, which is the point of direct sunlight
23.5°S 145°E

The time and latitude of direct solar radiation on equinox, autumnal equinox, summer solstice and winter solstice, as well as the months in each quarter
Note that it's the direct time, latitude and the month of each quarter
What and what? What's the time of direct sunlight? What's the latitude of direct sunlight? What's the month of each month?

Equinox 3.21 equatorial 0 degree latitude
Autumnal equinox 9.23 equatorial 0 degree latitude
Solstice 6.22 Tropic of cancer 23 degrees 26 minutes north
Winter solstice 12.22 Tropic of cancer 23 degrees 26 minutes south
Quarter 1.2.3
April, may and June in the second quarter
Q3 7.8.9
The fourth quarter is October, November and December

Time of direct sunlight on equinox, autumnal equinox, summer solstice and winter solstice
I really don't understand what the topic is, I don't understand!

Spring equinox is around March 21, autumn equinox is around September 23, summer solstice is around June 22, winter solstice is around December 22

The summer solstice of a certain year is Beijing time
The summer solstice of a certain year is 6:00 on June 23, Beijing time. At this time, the sun is directly on the intersection of the longitude and latitude lines of - and -, the solar sky height on the Tropic of cancer is - and the night length on the Arctic Circle is - hours

The summer solstice of a certain year is 6:00 on June 23, Beijing time. At this time, the sun is directly on the intersection of the longitude and latitude lines of 23 ` 26'n and 150 ` W. the solar sky height on the Tropic of cancer is 90 ', and the night length on the Arctic Circle is 0 hour

On June 21 of a certain year, the summer solstice time is 22:1, so what is the geographical coordinates of the point of direct sunlight? I know the latitude and how to calculate the longitude

So, the longitude coordinate of the direct point - the longitude coordinate of the place = precision difference = [(12 + 24) - (22 + 1 / 60)] * 15 = 209.75 °, that is, the longitude of the position + 209.75 ° = the longitude of the position

Beijing time is at 16:10 on the 2nd. What are the district time of zero hour, East 11, west 5 and West 12
Such as the title

Beijing time is eight East districts, zero time District: 8:10 on the 2nd; eleven East districts: 19:10 on the 2nd; five West Districts: 3:10 on the 2nd; twelve West Districts: 20:10 on the 1st~~

If Beijing time is 8 o'clock, what are the times in the eight East districts, nine East districts, five west districts, two East districts and zero hour districts?,

If Beijing time is 8 o'clock, Beijing is in the East eight district, so the time in the East eight district is 8 o'clock, the East nine district is 9 o'clock, the east two district is 2 o'clock, and the west five district is 20 o'clock yesterday

When it's 10 o'clock on May 1 in Beijing (East District 8), it's more time in London (zero hour) and New York (West District 5)

London time:
10 - 8 = 2
New York time:
London time - 5 = 21:00 (April 30)

When Beijing time is 16:10 on the 2nd, what are the district time of zero hour, East 11 District, west 5 District and West 12 district?

When Beijing time is 16:10 on the 2nd, what are the district time of zero hour, East 11, west 5 and West 12?
Because Beijing time is the eighth East District, his district time is 16:10 on the 2nd, so
Zone time of zero time zone = 16:10 on the 2nd - [8-0] = 8:10 on the 2nd
The district time of East 11 district is 16:10 on the 2nd day + [11-8] = 19:10 on the 2nd day
The district time of West District 5 is 16:10 on the 2nd - [8 + 5] = 3:10 on the 2nd
District time of West 12 district = 16:10 on the 2nd - [8 + 12] = 20:10 on the 1st
The method is very simple: East plus, West minus, mainly to see how much difference between the two time zones
For example, the last question is the main calculation. This method is relatively simple and practical. Of course, according to the actual situation, the West 12 district is in the east of the East 8 District, so add, but because of passing the date line, the date needs to subtract one day. Both algorithms are OK, and the first one is recommended