There are two water buckets, the small one can hold 4kg of water, and the large one can hold 11kg of water. It can't be weighed by scales. How can these two water buckets hold 5kg? (please write down the design idea)

There are two water buckets, the small one can hold 4kg of water, and the large one can hold 11kg of water. It can't be weighed by scales. How can these two water buckets hold 5kg? (please write down the design idea)

First fill the small bucket, and then pour the water in the small bucket into the big bucket, and then fill the small bucket and pour it into the big bucket. Then still fill the small bucket, and pour the water into the big bucket, and fill the big bucket. There are 8 liters of water in the big bucket, so it's enough to pour 3 liters of water, so there is 1 liter of water left in the small bucket

(1) What is the quotient of the sum of one and one-third and its reciprocal divided by the product of 8 and 1.25? (2) 40% of a number is 400% more than 36%. What is the number?
What's the formula

(1) What is the quotient of the sum of one and one-third and its reciprocal divided by the product of 8 and 1.25
(one and one third + three quarters) / (8 * 1.25)
= 25 / 12 divided by 10
= 5 / 24
(2) 40% of a number is 400% more than 36%. What's the number?

How to do the third question on page 14 of primary school grade 4 Volume 2 mathematics summer vacation paradise (Liaoning Normal University Press)
You can calculate the following questions in writing or with a calculator. Then observe them carefully, think about the rules and write them down
1÷7= 2÷7= 3÷7= 4÷7= 5÷7 6÷7=
The rule you find is:

142857 is the cycle section of the formula in which the divisor is 7, and the number in the first place is determined by the first result of the divisor and the divisor trial quotient

If a and B are reciprocal, then 1 △ a = B______ (judge right or wrong)

Because a and B are reciprocal, so a · B = 1, so 1 △ a = B

High accuracy!
There are two one place decimals, and the integral part is 6. When Xiao Ming calculates the product of the two decimals, the product is 39.26. The teacher told Xiao Ming, "the tenth place of the product is wrong, and the numbers of other people are right." please find out the two one place decimals

The product of the decimal parts of two numbers is (39.26-6 × 6) △ 6 = 0.6
6 = 2×3
The two one place decimals are: 6.2 and 6.3

If a divided by 1 / 2 of B = 1, then a and B are reciprocal?

Is a divided by 1 / b equal to B / a? If B / a = 1, a = B

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong compete. When Xiao Ming runs to the 5th floor, Xiao Hong runs to the 3rd floor. According to this calculation, when Xiao Ming runs to the 17th floor, how many floors does Xiao Hong Run to?

I don't know if it's the floor we usually refer to. If it is, Xiaoming runs to the fifth floor, but in fact he runs four stairs. Xiaohong only runs two floors. Xiaoming is twice as fast as Xiaohong. That is to say, when Xiaoming runs to the 17th floor, he runs 16 stairs, and Xiaohong runs eight stairs, that is, on the ninth floor

Given that a and B are reciprocal to each other, the calculation result of A10 △ 5b is___ .

There are 400 poles on both sides of a highway. The distance between each two poles is 10 meters. How long is the highway?

The first possibility: there are poles at both ends of the road, and the length of the road (400 / 2-1) * 10 = 1990 meters
The second possibility: there is a pole at one end of the road with a length of 400 / 2 * 10 = 2000 meters
The third possibility: there are no poles at both ends of the road, and the road length (400 / 2 + 1) * 10 = 2010 meters

Given that a and B are reciprocal to each other, what is the result of dividing a by 5 of B? 4 / 5 of a number is 80, and what is 3 / 4 of this number

That is ab = 1
So a / 10 △ 5 / b
It is 80 △ 4 / 5 × 3 / 4 = 75