XX said: add 17 to my age and divide it by 4. Subtract 15 and multiply it by 10. It happens to be 100 years old. How old is this old man

XX said: add 17 to my age and divide it by 4. Subtract 15 and multiply it by 10. It happens to be 100 years old. How old is this old man

Let your age be X. according to your question, you can make the following equation
The solution is x = 83
Old man = 83 years old!

Grandma said: add 17 to my age and divide it by 4. Subtract 15 and multiply it by 10. It happens to be 100 years old. How old is this old man

Let the elderly be x years old, [(x + 17) / 4 - 15] * 10 = 100
The solution is x = 83

Grandfather Zhang said, "if you add 17 to my age and divide it by 4, then subtract 15 and multiply it by 10, you will be 100 years old“

A: grandfather Zhang is 83 years old

A number is multiplied by 15, divided by 5, and finally added by 10 to get 25. What's the original number?

Take it personally

-What is the answer to 8 - (- 15) + (- 9) - (12)


1 out of 15 is equal to, give high praise

Equal to √ 15 / 15 (multiply by √ 15)
I wish you success in your study!

What's 25 out of nine minus twelve plus nine

Twenty five out of nine minus twelve plus nine
=2 and 7 / 9 - (12-9)
=2 and 7-3 out of 9
=-2 / 9

How much is 11 out of 12 minus 3 out of 16 and 1 out of 4


251cm is two and a few tenths of a meter

251cm = 2.51M
51 M = 2 and 51%

Mathematics problem: how many parts of a number is
The maximum carrying capacity of an ordinary bus is 40 people, which is 8 / 9 of the maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for children. The maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for children is 45 / 56 of that of a school bus for primary school students. What is the maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for primary school students?
I know the formula, but I don't know why I use the division sign

The maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for children * 8 / 9 = the maximum carrying capacity of an ordinary bus
On the contrary, is the maximum carrying capacity of an ordinary bus / 8 / 9 = the maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for children
Similarly, the maximum carrying capacity of a new national standard school bus for children = 45 out of 56 primary school buses
On the other hand, the special school bus for primary school = the maximum passenger capacity of a new national standard special school bus for children / 45 out of 56
The above formula is expressed by numbers
I'm very tired. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer