I want to know the concept of heating load and cooling load in air conditioning?

I want to know the concept of heating load and cooling load in air conditioning?

The heat load is all the heat energy consumption demand of the air conditioning heating area in winter, and the corresponding cooling load is the total demand of the cooling source of the air conditioning cooling area in summer, which is generally reflected by the power!

What is the difference between function analytic expression and function expression

If f (x) = 2x + 1, it is an analytic expression
It corresponds to the expression f (x) = ax + B

If the sum of two numbers is 10 and one of them is x, how does the product y change with the change of X? Can you express the change with function expression, table and image respectively

The function image of y = x (10-x) = - x ^ 2 + 10x is a parabola with an opening downward,
The coordinates of the intersection point with X axis are (0,0) (10,0) respectively, and the coordinates of the highest point are: (5,25)
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The original function of derivative function is integrable and differentiable continuously, and there is the relationship between the original functions

① Differentiability and derivative function
Differentiability refers to the point in the domain; there is a derivative function everywhere, and in addition, the function can be derived somewhere; as long as a function is not differentiable at a certain point in the domain, there is no derivative function, even if the function can be derived elsewhere
② Integrability and primitive function
For indefinite integrals:
[Tongji Fifth Edition (Part 1)] gives the following definition:
In interval I, the primitive function of function f (x) with any constant term is called the indefinite integral of F (x) (or F (x) DX) in interval I. therefore, the integrability and the existence of primitive function are equivalent
For definite integral:
Tongji fifth edition gives two sufficient conditions for definite integral to be integrable
Theorem 1 Let f (x) be continuous on the interval [a, b], then f (x) is integrable on [a, b]. (because the original function of continuous function must exist! Otherwise, it does not hold.)
Theorem 2 Let f (x) be bounded on the interval [a, b] and have only a finite number of discontinuities, then f (x) is integrable on [a, b]
If a function has an original function in a certain interval, then according to Newton Leibniz formula, a function has a definite integral in this interval;
If a function has definite integral in a certain interval [a, b], then it is not sure that the function has circular function in this interval
③ Derivability and continuity
If a function is differentiable, it must be continuous; if a function is continuous, it may not be differentiable
④ Continuity and integrability
If the function is continuous in a certain region, then the function is integrable in that region; on the contrary, if the function is integrable in a certain region, then the function is not continuous in that region. For example, the function with the first kind of discontinuity is discontinuous, but integrable