Describe tea sentences To be beautiful and real, it's better to have something to do with human feelings

Describe tea sentences To be beautiful and real, it's better to have something to do with human feelings

The shape of Xihu Longjing tea is flat and straight, and its size is even. It looks like pieces of orchid petals. Its color is green or emerald green, bright and bright. Its aroma is clear and fresh, and its taste is sweet (the specific feeling varies from person to person, and it is difficult to describe in words accurately). If the tea is brewed in a glass, its leaves are tender and even, with one flag and one shot, crisscross each other, It's full of praise!

Words about tea

Fragrant, mellow and elegant
In color:
Clear, elegant and transparent

Five character poems describing tea

Qin tea, Bai Juyi, has been in a group of movements, while Tao Tao Tao has been willful all his life. Since he left office, he has been drunk in spring, and has been more leisurely since he didn't study. Qin knows that there is only other water in the tea, so the old one is Mengshan. He is always accompanied by the poor and the long. Who knows that I don't have to go back and forth today

Li Bai walks on the street with nothing to do. He carries a wine pot to buy wine. He doubles it when he meets a shop, drinks a bucket when he meets a flower, and drinks all the wine in the pot when he meets a shop and a flower?

It's related to the order of meeting the shop and the flower
For example, if you meet three stores first and then three flowers, that's three eighths of a fight
First met three flowers, it turned out to be three Dou

Li Bai walked on the street with nothing to do. He picked up a pot and went to buy wine. When he met the shop, he doubled it. When he saw the flower, he drank a bucket (the bucket was an ancient vessel). When the shop and Hua finished drinking the wine in the pot, he asked how many buckets there were in the pot?

Suppose the original wine x Dou, he meets the shop three times and sees flowers three times at the same time. After the first meeting, the wine is 2x-1; after the second meeting, the wine is 2 (2x-1) - 1; after the third meeting, the wine is 2 [2 (2x-1) - 1] - 1 = 0; solving this equation, we get x = 78 (Dou). A: how much wine is there in the wine pot