2 / 3 plus 11 / 4 divided by 11 / 15 times 1 / 5 plus 1 / 4! Do me a favor!

2 / 3 plus 11 / 4 divided by 11 / 15 times 1 / 5 plus 1 / 4! Do me a favor!

=(2 / 3) + (11 / 4) × (15 / 11) × (1 / 5) + (1 / 4) divided by a number is equal to multiplying by the reciprocal of the number
=(2 / 3) + (3 / 4) + (1 / 4) is the same denominator

What's the quotient of multiplying 8 / 9 by the largest single digit and dividing it by 5 / 4 and 8 / 15?


2 and a quarter times 5.5-2.25 + 3 and a half times nine fourths (write the simplified process) do me a favor

Two and a quarter times 5.5-2.25 + three and a half times nine quarters

What is the quotient of nine tenths of two and nine tenths divided by 1.85 and one fourth

2 and 2 / 9 × 9 / 10 (1.85-1 / 4)