3 3 8 8 with "add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide" and bracket connection is equal to 24, how to do? Come on! If 3388 is in order, can we calculate 24?

3 3 8 8 with "add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide" and bracket connection is equal to 24, how to do? Come on! If 3388 is in order, can we calculate 24?

8 / (3-8 / 3) = 24, 8 divided by 3 equals 8 / 3, 3 minus 8 / 3 equals 1 / 3, 8 divided by 1 / 3 equals 24

How to make three five and one one equal to 24 by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and adding brackets


Three five, one 1, add, subtract, multiply, divide, bracket can be used, how equal to 24


There are 125 pears, apples, oranges and persimmons. If you add 4 to the number of pears, subtract 4 from the number of apples, multiply 4 by the number of oranges and multiply 4 by the number of persimmons, you can get the number
How many are there in each fruit?

There are 46 pears, 54 apples, 12.5 oranges and 12.5 persimmons
Solution: suppose there are x pears and Y apples, and it is easy to know that the number of oranges and persimmons is the same, and set Z, then there are:
By solving the above equation, we can get: x = 46, y = 54, z = 12.5