It is known that the weight of 13 pears is equal to two apples and one peach, while the weight of four pears and one apple is equal to one peach

It is known that the weight of 13 pears is equal to two apples and one peach, while the weight of four pears and one apple is equal to one peach

Apple = 3 pear
Peach = 7 pear
Peach = 21 apples
Is there anything you want?

Six pears are equal to four apples, eight apples are equal to one watermelon, how many pears are the weight of two watermelons

The weight of 24 pears

Pear plus apple is equal to 10, pear minus apple is equal to 4, how much is pear equal? How much is apple equal?

Suppose there are x pears and (10-x) apples, X - (10-x) = 4, x = 7 and (10-x) = 3

Can pears, apples and grapes be eaten together?

Three oranges and one pear are equal to 14 apples, six apples and one orange are equal to one pear, and how many apples is one pear equal to?

One pear is equal to 8 apples, the algorithm is as follows: 3 oranges + (6 apples + 1 orange) = 14 apples, one orange = 2 apples, one pear = 6 apples + 2 apples = 8 apples