Dividing a nonzero number by 13 is equivalent to tripling the number______ (judge right or wrong)

Dividing a nonzero number by 13 is equivalent to tripling the number______ (judge right or wrong)

A is a non-zero number, a △ 13 = a × 3 = 3A

If a divided by one fifth = B multiplied by one fourth, then a > B

Let a × 1 / 5 = B × 1 / 4 = 1
Then a = 5, B = 4
B yes!

Because a divided by B = 5 (both a and B are natural numbers), the greatest common factor of a and B is ()

It's B

3 / 3 = 8 / 12 = 16 △ () = 32 / 12

2 / 3 = 8 / 12 = 16 ÷ (24) = 32 / 48

AB two numbers, a number divided by B number quotient 3 more than 15, B number 20 times divided by a number quotient 5 more than 50


The difference between the two numbers is 737, in which the large number is divided by the decimal, and the quotient is 16, and the rest is 7. What are the two numbers? (equation solution)

Let the decimal be x and the large be 16x + 7
A: the decimal is 49.6 and the large is 800.6

a. For the errand 737 of two numbers B, divide a by B to get 16 and leave 7, a =? B =?

According to the meaning of the title: A-B = 737 1a △ B = 16 7 2 from 1: a = 737 + B, substituting a = 737 + B into 2: (737 + b) △ B = 16 According to "quotient × divisor + remainder = divisor", we get: 16b + 7 = 737 + b15b = 730b = 146 / 3 ≈ 48.7, and substitute B = 146 / 3 into a = 737 + B to get: a = 737 + B = 737 + 146 / 3 = 2357 / 3 ≈ 78

What is the formula of 201 times 38 minus 38? What is the formula of 135 + 306 △ 265?


378 / 265 × 194 / 378 × 265 / 194 simple calculation

Simple calculation:

Simple calculation of 99 + 265 + 202
