If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 36. If both the divisor and the divisor are divided by 3, what is the quotient

If two numbers are divided, the quotient is 36. If both the divisor and the divisor are divided by 3, what is the quotient

In division, the divisor and the divisor multiply or divide by the same number (except 0), and the quotient does not change
So business is still 36

What number divided by 0.8 has a quotient of 1.25?


The mathematical symbol of common factor and greatest common factor

Greatest common factor: (a, B,...)
Least common multiple: [a, B ]

What symbol is used to represent the greatest common divisor
Ask friends: to find the greatest common divisor of several numbers, such as 24, 12, 6, what symbol to use? Is it right to use min [24, 12, 6]? Thank you

The greatest common divisor of 24, 12 and 6 can be expressed as:

Is the frame of the matrix a bracket or a bracket? It's printed on the book like both brackets and brackets

It doesn't matter if you use brackets or parentheses
Don't write it as a vertical line
2. In another way of expression, for example, like one-dimensional vector, two-dimensional matrix / two-dimensional tensor composed of multiple one-dimensional vectors, etc., you can use parentheses, brackets and braces

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 96, one is 32, the other is ()


The product of two numbers is 96, and their greatest common factor is 4. Find the least common multiple
Come on, now

These two numbers are 4 and 24
The least common multiple is 24

4.8 times (5 / 6 plus 5 / 8 minus 5 / 12) 4 / 15 minus 0.64 plus 13 / 5 minus 0.36

The answer is: 44 out of 15

Four fifths minus 0.64 plus thirteen fifths minus 1.36 =?

Four out of fifteen minus 0.64 plus thirteen out of five minus 1.36
=(4 / 15 + 13 / 5) - (0.64 + 1.36)
=43-2 out of 15
=13 out of 15

When x equals (), the value of formula 2-3x is not positive

When x is equal to (≥ 2 / 3), the value of formula 2-3x is non positive