How much is 3.8 times 20 plus 37.5 times 0.8 plus 5.8

How much is 3.8 times 20 plus 37.5 times 0.8 plus 5.8

Brother, where are you
If it is 8 / 3 * 20% + 37.5% * 0.8 + 8 / 5, the result is 73 / 30
If it is 8 / 3 * (20% + 37.5%) * 0.8 + 8 / 5, the result is 212 / 75

How many minutes and seconds is 0.63 hours

37 minutes, 8 seconds

15 × 37% + 0.63 × 20% + 43%; 98% × 14 + 2% × 14; 80% x + 90% x = 68; 2x-60% x = 9.6

①15×37%+0.63×20%+43%=0.2×(37%+0.63)+43%=0.2+0.43=0.63;②98%×14+2%×14=(98%+2%)×14=14;③80%x+90%x=68  1.7x÷1.7=68÷1.7          x=40;④2x-60%x=9.61.4x÷1.4=9.6÷1.4        x=487.