Simple algorithm of 37 * 29 + 37 + 37 + 37 * 70?

Simple algorithm of 37 * 29 + 37 + 37 + 37 * 70?




6760 △ 13 + 17 × 21

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241 × 690 ﹣ 339 ﹣ 345 × 678 ﹣ 241 = calculation order


Simple calculation of 241 × 690 △ 339 △ 345 × 678 △ 241


How to calculate, 241x345 divided by 678 divided by 345x678 divided by 241

241x345 divided by 678 divided by 345x678 divided by 241, the above formula only has multiplication and division operation, but multiplication and division is the same level operation, changing the operation order does not affect the final result

Quick calculation: 241 × 345 △ 678 △ 345 × (678 △ 241)

Original formula = 241 × 345 △ 678 △ 345 × (678 △ 241)

Divide the sum of sixty-three times seven tenths minus ten tenths by one tenth

The sum of sixty-three times seven tenths minus ten tenths divided by one tenth

How to calculate 4.9 times 4 plus 5.1 divided by 0.25

Original formula = (5-0.1) * 4 + (5 + 0.1) * 4

2 divided by 9 and 3 divided by 9 and 4 divided by 9

2÷9 +3÷9 +4÷9