How much is 108 square meters equal to 9 square decimeters

How much is 108 square meters equal to 9 square decimeters

108 square meters = 10800 square decimeters
10800 ÷9 = 1200
108 square meters equals 1200 9 square decimeters

Let the square of y equal to 3x plus 18x plus 24 be y equal to a (x minus x1) times (x minus x2)


How many nanometers are micrometers
How many nanometers is micron equal to? How many nanometers is 0.0001 micron equal to

1 nm = 10-9 cubic meters, 1 micron = 10-6 cubic meters, so 0.0001 micron = 0.1 * 10-9 cubic meters is 0.1 nm!

How many centimeters is one foot, how many inches is one centimeter, how many centimeters is one inch

One foot is 33.3 cm, one cm is 0.3 inch, and one inch is 3.33 cm

How many feet is 64 cm waist circumference equal to?
How many feet does 64 cm waist circumference equal? Girl, height 158 or so,

64 cm = 1.92 feet, normal

How many centimeters is 10 inches

Ten inches is one foot, one meter is three feet
So ten inches is one third of a meter, so it's 33 1 / 3 cm

How high is six feet? How many centimeters is one foot?

One foot is 33.3333cm, three down, so six feet is about 199.9cm

What is the result of three minus eight plus five divided by seven?

=3-8 + 5 / 7 (5 / 7)
=-5 + 5 / 7 (5 / 7)
=-(35 / 7) + 5 / 7 (5 / 7)
=-(30 / 7) (30 / 7)
= - (--)
Multiply and divide before add and subtract

Solving equation: 1.55 divided by x equals 0.5

1.55/x=0.5 x=1.55/0.5 x=3.1

A school has 55 students to participate in the mathematics competition. It is known that if the contestants are randomly divided into four groups, there must be more than two girls in one group. If it is also known that there must be boys in any 10 contestants, the number of boys in the competition is______ .

Because there must be more than two girls in any four groups, so there must be at least 4 × 2 + 1 = 9 girls. Because there must be boys in any 10 people, there must be at most 9 girls, so there are 9 girls and 55-9 boys = 46 boys. A: there are 46 boys. So the answer is: 46