Where does the red flag of the Yellow River Station (78.55'n, 11.56'e), China's Arctic scientific expedition station, fly all the year round

Where does the red flag of the Yellow River Station (78.55'n, 11.56'e), China's Arctic scientific expedition station, fly all the year round

From the equator to 10 degrees north and south latitude --- from 10 degrees north and south latitude of equatorial low pressure belt to tropic of cancer --- from northeast trade wind belt (North) to southeast trade wind belt (South) from tropic of cancer to 40 degrees north and south latitude --- from 40 degrees north and south latitude of subtropical high pressure belt to 60 degrees north and south latitude --- from 60 degrees north and south latitude of prevailing westerly belt to North and south polar circle

The Yellow River Station (78 degrees 55 minutes n, 11 degrees 56 minutes E), when the Yellow River station begins to appear extreme day, the latitude of the point of direct sunlight is? The time of the highest solar height observed at the Yellow River Station on this day, Beijing time is?

Direct sunlight 90-78 ° 55 ′ = 11 ° 5 ′ n
The Yellow River station is the first district in the East, and Beijing is the eighth District in the East, 7 hours early
The solar altitude angle of the Yellow River station is the maximum at 12 noon, when Beijing is 12 + 7 = 19

It is reported that on March 9, China's scientific research team watched the first sunrise after the polar night at the Chinese Arctic Yellow River Station (78 ° 55'n, 11 ° 56'e)
On that day, when the scientific research team members watched the sunrise at the Yellow River Station, Beijing time was about (10 / 13 / 16 / 19 o'clock?)
According to the materials, "on March 9, one year, our scientific research team watched the first sunrise after the polar night at China's Arctic Yellow River Station (78 ° 55'n, 11 ° 56'e)", which indicates that the Yellow River Station has changed from polar night to alternate day and night, that is, the day gradually increases from 0 hour. According to the materials, "the first sunrise" indicates that the sun just rises and has to set, It should be 12:00 local time. The longitude difference between the Yellow River Station and Beijing time is about 108 ° and the time difference is about 7 hours and 12 minutes, that is, Beijing time is about 19:12
Why is the first sunrise? It means that the sun just rises and has to set,

When the two date lines merge into one, that is, 180 degree longitude and zero hour, the world belongs to the same day, because the date line is the starting point of the new day, the local time of 180 degree longitude is equal to the time angle that the new day has turned, the range of zero hour from 180 degree longitude to the west is the new day, and the rest is the old day

If x (less than 55) is a positive integer, then (55-x) (56-x)... (69-x) is equal to?

Let 55-x = K
The original formula is K (K + 1) (K + 1). (K + 14)
See what kind of expression you want

How to do 80 divided by 4 / 5 = x


What is 1 plus 80 divided by 4


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Minus three minus three equals minus six minus three, so why minus three minus three equals minus six

-3 minus - 3 is equal to 0 - 3 minus 3 is equal to - 6. It is suggested that you can draw a number axis. Subtraction means to move several units from minus 3 to the left, and addition means to move to the right

|How much is minus two minus three?

|Minus 2 minus (minus 3) |?

How much is minus 1000 plus minus 10 minus 100 plus 100
It's very urgent

-1000+(-10)-(-100)+100=-1000-10+100+100=200-1010= -810