19 / 50 times 10 / 19 It's a formula! Like 19 / 50 times 10 / 19 =How to do it =How much

19 / 50 times 10 / 19 It's a formula! Like 19 / 50 times 10 / 19 =How to do it =How much

=19 / 19 by 10 / 50

If you subtract 15.19 from 3646.5 every month and calculate in 240 months, how can the formula be established?
What's the total amount? Like 3646.5 + 3631.31 + 3616.12

Original formula = 3646.5 * 240-15.19 * (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +. + 239)
You can calculate this by yourself. I added 1 to 239 and learned it in elementary school with arithmetic sequence!

Two fifths of the number a is equal to three fourths of the number B. the number a is three eighths. What's the number B

= 3/20 ÷ 3/4
=1 / 5 B

Two fifths of a number is three fourths, and three eighths of the number is ()

S*2/5=3/4 s=15/8 15/8*3/8=45/64
It's 45 out of 64

The sum of three quarters and two fifths is equal to three eighths of a number

If the sum of three fourths and two fifths is equal to twenty-three, then x is equal to forty-six fifths

The sum of two thirds and three quarters is equal to two fifths of a number. What is the number

This number is 85 / 24,

What's 3 out of 14 divided by 5 out of 7

Three tenths

Divide 1,5,10,14,19,23 'by 7 to get a column of numbers: 1,5,3,0,5,2,0'. Then, what is the sum of the first 2008 terms of this new column of numbers——

This column of new numbers is the remainder of the first number divided by seven, which is regular. The answer is 6022,

How to calculate: 0.75 / (7 / 16-0.25)

0.75 / (7 / 16-0.25)

(7.5x-0.75 = 0.25 * 3)?

Multiply both sides by 4 ^ 2
Is the cube root the solution to the problem
Multiplication is a primary school problem