On the day of the lottery in lesson 5 of Chinese Book Volume 2 of grade 4, how to write in small practice? More words

On the day of the lottery in lesson 5 of Chinese Book Volume 2 of grade 4, how to write in small practice? More words

PEP fourth grade volume 2 Chinese lesson 27 small practice topic
Tonight... Yes... Yes
It's urgent
It's a little brush practicer... Kneel down and beg
People from all walks of life come to help... Ah... Ah
Increase the reward for the second time! Come and answer!
Don't ask for a title,

The fish swam to his paper
There were more and more onlookers, and they praised and talked about it. Some said it was really beautiful, some said it was really lifelike, and others said it would be nice if it was painted by him. A mother took her child to Huagang to watch fish. The child pointed to the young man's painting and said, "Mom, I'll learn to draw too!" the mother said with a smile, "as long as you are willing to, A primary school student said, "his painting is really beautiful!" another primary school student said, "it's really beautiful!" an old man said, "he can draw the dynamics of goldfish, just like goldfish swimming on paper. It's amazing!" a middle school student said, "yes, I'll take him as my teacher as soon as the college entrance examination is over!" there are many discussions, but only this young man is concentrating on painting, As if nothing had been heard

simple and convenient


(+ 13 / 8) + (+ 19 / 8) + (- 27 / 8) + (- 3 / 8)

(+ 13 / 8) + (+ 19 / 8) + (- 27 / 8) + (- 3 / 8)
=13 of 8 + 19 of 8-27 of 8-3 of 8
=8 (13 + 19-27-3)
=2 / 8
=1 / 4

5 / 18 = 45 / 57 = 1 / 9 = 25 / 12 = 19 / 6 = 78 / 27=

5 / 18 = 5 / 18; 45 / 57 = 15 / 19; 1 / 9 = 1 / 9; 19 / 6 = 3 and 1 / 6; 78 / 17 = 4 and 10 / 17

There are 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan and 5 jiao notes, which can form () different notes

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 15 16 17 18, 14 species

19 out of 5 with score, 27 out of 6 with score, urgent

19 out of 5 can be changed into 3 and 4 out of 5, 4 out of 5 is equal to 0.8, and 3 is 3.8! 27 out of 6 can be divided into 9 out of 2, 9 out of 2 can be changed into 4 and 1 out of 2. Finally, 4.5!

Suppose meat is 3.5 yuan a Jin, fish is 3 yuan a Jin, cabbage is 0.1 yuan a Jin, then 100 yuan just buy 100 Jin how to ask
I couldn't figure it out for three days

Let x, y, Z

Modesty makes people progress and pride makes people lag behind. What's the title of the composition!

On modesty

There are five kinds of currencies in a country: 1 yuan, 3 yuan, 5 yuan, 7 yuan, 9 yuan. In order to pay 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 3 yuan For the whole amount of 100 yuan, at least a few pieces of currency should be prepared
The sooner the difficulty, the better

1,1,3,5,7,10 9
Am I right?