One half plus one sixth plus one twelfth plus one twentieth and so on plus one ninetieth?

One half plus one sixth plus one twelfth plus one twentieth and so on plus one ninetieth?

73 out of 90

One half plus one sixth plus one twelfth is omitted to one ninetieth


One half and one sixth and one twelfth What's one in 1560
It's urgent
The first floor is too fake, 1-1 = 0

=(1-1/2 )+(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+…… +(1/39-1/40)

If a ⁃ B is equal to 5A minus half B, where a and B are natural numbers, then 6 ⁃ 10 is equal to?
●&◇☆§◇_→#☆_ ̄△◎■_▲☆

Because a * B is equal to 5A minus half B, where a and B are natural numbers
Let a = 6, B = 10
Then 6 * 10 is equal to 25

What is the sum of the quotient of a number divided by 3 plus 60 times 2, 124.5?
Hehe. Wrong, this needs the equation to solve the word problem, sorry!

Let it be X
X divided by 3 + 60 times 2 = 124.5
X divided by 3 + 120 = 124.5
X divided by 3 = 124.5-120
X divided by 3 = 4.5
X = 4.5 times 3

29 minus 1.5 times of 18, the difference minus 0.2, what is the quotient?

0.2÷(29 - 18×1.5)
= 0.2 ÷2
= 0.1

In 29, 18315192, 56102, which numbers are multiples of 3? What are the characteristics of these numbers?

Which numbers are multiples of 3 in 29, 18315192, 56102?
18315192102 is a multiple of 3
What are the characteristics of these numbers?
The sum of your numbers is a multiple of three

How much is 10:3 on the 29th minus 18:37 on the 16th

What's the quotient of subtracting 12 out of 48 from 30?

A: the quotient is 0.5

What's the quotient of subtracting 12 out of 48 from 30?

A: the quotient is 0.5