3x - 3 / 4 x = 18 / 19, 2 / 3 x △ 1 / 6 = 18 (solve equation, > 1 / 6)_

3x - 3 / 4 x = 18 / 19, 2 / 3 x △ 1 / 6 = 18 (solve equation, > 1 / 6)_

1. 3x-3x / 4 = 18 / 19 (general)

5 / 6 x + 1 = - 3 / 7 x-3 = 1 / 4 x + 1

(5/6)x+1=-3/7 x/5-3=x/4+1
Transfer: (5 / 6) x = - 3 / 7-1 to denominator: 4x-60 = 5x + 1
The coefficient is changed to 1: x = - 12 / 7, and the term is shifted to 4x-5x = 1 + 60
Merge congeners: - x = 61
The coefficient is 1: x = - 61
Hope to help you!

How to calculate 0.13 × (3.69-1.8) - 1.11 × 0.13 with a simple method

Extract the common factor 0.13

How to calculate (70 + 1 / 68) * 1 / 69

Hope to help you
I wish you academic progress*^__ ^*)

Simple calculation: 1.71 * 75 + 26 * 1.71-1.71 =? 3.75 * 2 + 6.25 / 0.5 =?
Simple calculation: 1.71 * 75 + 26 * 1.71-1.71 =? 3.75 * 2 + 6.25 / 0.5 =?


(1 / 69 + 2 / 71) x23 + 25 / 71 simple calculation, help Ge


A simple algorithm of 1 times 11 times 111 times 1111 times 11111

Use calculator to calculate, don't bother
The vertical calculation is not complicated, so it is necessary to add several times
111*11 = 1110+111=1221

Simple algorithm process of 28 * 11111 + 99999 * 8


( )/56=9/24=6/( )=3:( )=( )÷40

  ( 21)/56=9/24=6/( 16)=3:( 8)=( 15)÷40

Calculation: 187 divided by 24, 24 can be regarded as what and what to test the quotient? 426 divided by 56, can be regarded as what and what to test the quotient?

Because 24 is between 20 and 30, it can be regarded as 25 to test quotient. But it's troublesome to use 25 to test quotient orally. So first, 24 is regarded as 20 to test quotient, which is 9, and then 24 is regarded as 30 to test quotient, which is 6. So quotient should be between 6 and 9, which is either 7 or 8. Similarly, 56 is regarded as 50 and 60 to test quotient. There are many good ways to test quotient, such as the same head