What is three fourths divided by one sixth

What is three fourths divided by one sixth


What is the sum of 5 / 6 minus 3 / 4 multiplied by 5 / 6 plus 3 / 4,


Three quarters plus one sixth plus seven twelfth equals one sixth times what
In the second semester of the fifth grade, the summer vacation homework is on page 27

Three quarters plus one sixth plus seven twelfth equals one sixth times nine

How much is three fourths minus seven fifths minus one sixth plus two thirds minus one

The answer is as follows: 3 / 4-7 / 2-1 / 6 + 2 / 3-1 = 9 / 12-42 / 12-2 / 12 + 8 / 12-12 / 12 = (9-42-2 + 8-12) / 12 = - 39 / 12 = - 13 / 4

What's one fifth and one sixth?

One fifth plus one sixth is eleven out of thirty
One in five = six in thirty
One sixth = five thirtieth
Add up = 11 out of 30

How much is five sixths times one?

Six fifths

How much is 1.5 minus 6 and 1 minus 2

Minus two thirds

Why is 2:1:3:1 equal to 6:3

In the case of miscalculation = 6 branch 3

How many minutes is one sixth of an hour
How many minutes is one sixth of an hour, how many minutes is five sixth of an hour, how many meters is seven centimeters, how many seconds is three fourths of an hour,

How many minutes is one sixth of an hour?
One hour is 60 minutes, one sixth of an hour is one sixth of 60 minutes, that is 10 minutes
How many minutes is five sixths of an hour?
One hour is 60 minutes. Five sixths of an hour is 50 minutes
How many parts of a meter is seven centimeters?
Answer: 7 / 100, analysis: 1 meter equals 100 cm, 7 cm accounts for 7 / 100 of 100 cm, so 7 cm equals seven hundredths of the meter
How many seconds is three quarters?
Answer: 45 seconds, analysis: 1 minute = 60 seconds, three fourths is three fourths of 60 seconds, so 60 * (3 / 4) = 45 (seconds)

Subtract three times a number from 40.5, the difference is one and half. What's the number

This number is (40.5-1 and 1 / 2) △ 3 = 39 △ 3 = 13
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