How much is 12 times 1

How much is 12 times 1

Hello, 12 times one twelfth equals 1

Hope to adopt~·

1 / 3 = 0.333333 (infinite cycle), but why is 1 / 3 × 3 = 1, and 0.33333... × 3 = 0.9999

1 / 3 is about 0.33333333 instead of 0.33333

71 times 79 + 82 times 88 + 93 times 97. Thank you,


How much does one minus one equal when it is not equal to zero?

Is it a sharp turn of the brain in the legend? The word "Ri" and the equal sign "1-1" are placed up and down. Hey, hey, it's so simple. One + one = Wang. It's the word "Wang". It's equal to 2

Under what circumstances is one plus one equal to two? Under what circumstances is one equal to zero?

Simple calculation: 778 × 999 + 666 × 333


1 / 3 = 0.333..., then 1 / 3 * 3 = 0.333... * 3, 1 = 0.999..., it seems wrong, why?

That's right. There's nothing wrong with it

999 * 333 of 333 * 777-222 * 666, simple calculation,


Calculation: 0.999 × 1.3-0.111 × 1.7 (simple calculation)


0.999 * 1.3-0.111 * 2.7 + 0.001 easy to use?
